In the XWiki application I developed, I am using Lucene plugin for search. Once the search
result comes I am getting the document as follows:
#set($myDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($item.name))
When I print $myDoc it prints "com.xpn.xwiki.api.Document@1f16eab".
So I assume I am getting the document all right. Now I want to get the Object of the
document so that I can display the properties of that document. But the following code
doesn't work.
#set($myObj = $myDoc.getObject("xxxx.xxxxClass"))
$myObj doesn't contain the object after the above code is executed.
Any idea what's the problem?
Any help is much appreciated,
- Raj
PS: I am trying to send this mail from yesterday. I sent once through from wem based
email. My friend sent once. Now I am sending it again through the post interface on object
web. It seems I am in moderation as I am a new user. But when I joined the list I
didn't get any notice like that. Anyway if you get multiple mails please excuse me.
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