You're right. Thanks.
Now I don't see compareRequests in LDAP communication and I can see that
XWiki tries to resolve group membership.
W dniu 10.09.2008 13:03, Thomas Mortagne pisze:
Hi Greg,
You should check if you have
uncommented, otherwise it is using the old LDAP authenticator. The new
LDAP will be set as default in the next XEM releases (1.3.1 and 1.4).
On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 12:37 PM, Grzegorz Cempla
<grzegorz.cempla(a)> wrote:
I've set up the xwiki installation and I have couple of problems with
LDAP auth.
1. I successfully bind to our corp Sun DS. But regardless the
xwiki.authentication.ldap.validate_password is set to 0 the
compareRequest is generated in the LDAP communication (did some wire
snooping with wireshark). IMHO (after quick look to the Java code) the
compareRequest should not appear if validate_password is set to 0.
2. I try to map one of my ldap groups to xwiki group and without any
effect. The pages that require specific roles remain unaccessible.
Needles to say that both xwiki and ldap groups exist.
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