I'm trying to figure out how I can achieve the following with the new Lucene search
Baseline; When i test the standard main.LuceneSearch page and I type a search text, pick a
space and hit search
I get all the documents i'm expecting with document.title, a nice graphical relevancy
score (nice),
the wiki, space , document title and when last modified by ad last modified date
I would like to achieve the following;
1) exclude spaces to search ad remove the space selector
2) add a language selector that takes all the languages from the xwiki preferences and add
a line for "any language"
(goal; as a example the user can limit the search to german)
3) conditional in which space the document is replace the document title with an object
attribute (in our case FAQ.subject)
4) (under same condition as in 3, look at the language and pick the right object, since in
our application we have implemented
multilanguage-versions of ONE document as ONE object of FAQ for each language in ONE
document (so a document can have up to n objects of FAQ
where n=number of languages in the xwiki)
If possible help me on these 4 items, but if you only can help me on 1 or more
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