Hi Joshua,
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 5:40 PM, Rieken, Joshua <Joshua_Rieken(a)reyrey.com>wrote;wrote:
Hello all,
I've been desiring a testing framework to aid my development efforts within
XWiki pages. Specifically, I want to use test-driven development so that I
can write tests for scripts before I write the scripts themselves. These
tests would be harnesses (possibly using {{include document="Blah.Blah"}}
and xwiki.parseGroovyFromPage("Blah.Blah")) and would report passes /
failures / errors. There would also be a way to develop a suite of tests to
run all at once, xUnit style. Before taking the time to develop this myself,
has anyone developed something like this, or are there any recommendations
or code you could share?
I don't think it has been done so far (apart from what Vincent suggested).
I'll be very happy to read about your progress! Making developing
applications in XWiki using TDD best practices would be a nice step towards
making it a better application creation platform and I'm sure many people
would like that :-)
Let us know how it goes, you could also consider creating a page on:
to document your idea and progression.
Good luck!
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Guillaume Lerouge
Product Manager - XWiki SAS
Skype: wikibc
Twitter: glerouge