On Sep 19, 2007, at 12:37 PM, <xavier.mehaut(a)free.fr>
<xavier.mehaut(a)free.fr> wrote:
Still me :-(
Is it planned to have the ability to define a workflow for
notifications, edting, ..., of pages?
More generally, we are certainly at a moment of the web content
management where the border between wikis and CMS will be thiner
and thiner (for instance see Apache Lenya project where we can edit
pages like in a wiki)... Could you explain to me what still are the
differences btewwen those two worlds?
Maybe this:
XWiki is doing CMS from a direction different from that of "proper"
CMS tools. The way we view it is that people like to use a wiki for
its unstructured data and the ability to easily add information
without bothering too much about categorizing it. By opposition CMS
tools usually require that you have a clear vision of what you want
from the onset, and accordingly create structure for holding that
data. Both types of tools are needed as complementary but XWiki
offers a tool which you can start using as a standard wiki and when
some of your data need some structure, XWiki can accomodate it and
you're not forced to buy a separate application that has no
interaction with the wiki.
But then I admit I don't know that much about Apache Lenya.
Any insight on this is most welcome.