Hi Marius.
Thanks for the reply.
I've already solved this problem. It's not well writen, but it works.
1 - After creating a page, user_X usually goes to "view" mode. So:
if ($xcontext.action == "view")
#set ($result = $allow_user.set("groups", $doc.getValue("dept")))
#set ($result = $allow_user.set("levels", "view,edit"))
#set ($result = $allow_user.set("allow", 1))
## Save the modifications
The only problem is that it generates 2 saves(one when creating the page
and another when creating the object that sets the rights). But its not a
big deal.
I've also added some script to check if the rights are already set and if
the new value is different from the former
Thank you.
2014-09-17 11:01 GMT-03:00 Marius Dumitru Florea <
One option is to write an event listener that catches
the create event
for documents of type "Request" and sets the proper rights.
platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/WritingEventListenerTutorial .
Hope this helps,
On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 9:45 PM, Leonardo Kodato
<leonardokodato(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Xwiki Users.
I have a simple question about user rights. Here's a simple example of
I'm trying to do:
User_X has a problem with the printer.
1 - He creates an issue in "Requests" space (created via App Within
2 - The IT departament checks it and solves the problem.
3 - The user marks it as closed.
What I'm asking is:
Can user_X be able to read only his own question and not user_Y's
I mean, I know that I can change a single page
permission, but I got to
it manually. Is it possible to make the item
readable only by its autor
by a certain group(in this case, the IT
departament) when creating an
Thank you very much.
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