This feature works fine AFAIK. We use it all the time for our
applications (which are a set of xml pages).
I believe the problem is in your XAR somewhere.
You could compare with one of the application XAR we distribute.
PS: Haven't checked the validity of your package.xml file.
On Apr 22, 2009, at 11:08 AM, Hesediel wrote:
Morning everyone,
I reply to my own post in order to up it. This is a real problem. Does
anyone try to Import a customsie xar ?
By customise xar, I mean a war containing :
* A folder (a space) containing :
** Several Files/Pages like for example, Panels.MyPanel
* A package.xml like this :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<licence />
<author>You :)</author>
<file defaultAction="0"
<file defaultAction="0"
<file defaultAction="0"