mattia_temp-newsgroup(a) wrote:
Hi, sorry for the stupid question...
I need to change the style of the tables. I just need them to look
like the previous skins (like finch or better like dodo).
I don't know HTML nor CSS. Could please anyone help me??
I just need to prepare a quick demo... please...
Thank you very much!!
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Hi Mattia,
I am not a HTML or CSS guru myself! But let me try to help you.
It seems that albatross tables look and feel is controlled by the tables
macro. As far as I understand, you are using this table macro to create
your XWiki tables, aren't you?
There is a table.css in albatross skin folder that seems to be intended
to create a "table macro like" rendering for HTML coded tables. Those
tables created with <TABLE> tags. But I don't know how table macro
control the look and feel of its tables, those with {table} tags.
If you are using the {table} macro, the rendering is controlled by the
.xwiki-table class in wiki.css (go to line 107).
This wiki.css and .xwiki-table class exist also in dodo skin. I am
guessing that if you substitute the albatross .xwiki-table class with
that in dodo wiki.css, tables create with {table} macro must look like
default dodo ones.
Sorry, I can not try this myself right now. I will check it later and
come back to this thread.
Ricardo Rodríguez
Your XEN ICT Team