On July 21, 2006 11:37 am, vishal.salgia(a)compuware.com wrote:
I'm new to xwiki and want to create a new skin.
I tried to follow the steps mentioned in
http://www.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/Doc/HowToCreateASkin , but still no
Here are the steps I followed
Create an empty page Attach any images needed in the skin to this page
(skipped this)
Is it wise?
Select "Edit Objects" in the "More
actions" menu (this is
Add the objects from the class "XWiki.XWikiSkins" ( Added the object , now
what?, how to save it?
There is a save button on the right side (top button).
, what changes should I make? , what dowe the
fields name,style,header,footer,viewheader etc means?) Modify the style.css
(Where is style.css?)
In a text field.
Modify header.vm and footer.vm content (There are no
contents in header.vm
and footer.vm)
You can add your own.
You could go in the More Actions menu, look for wiki preferences and try to
locate the default skin. There should be some code there.
Can someone please send me detailed steps, of how to
create a skin from
scratch and how will I save it and how to use it?
I followed these steps and it worked for me.
To solve the blank field, I did go to the default wiki skin (object) and I
copy-pasted the code in my skin object.
Also can you please let me know, how can I create a
mystyle.css file using
xwiki and how and where it gets stored?
Could you create a css file, store it as an attachement to your first page
(the one you didn't create) and then add a link element to reference it...?