Hi Sachin,
On May 19, 2008, at 11:52 AM, Sachin Mittal wrote:
I wish to add some velocity tools which can be using from my velocity
To start with I would like to add some generic tools like ListTool
by org.apache.velocity.tools.generic.
This is already included in 1.4.
In future I would also like to add my custom tools.
So is there any way that I can add these to xwiki via some config
files and
use them in my .vm templates or wiki code.
In 1.4 you can do that by editing the components.xml file in xwiki-
velocity jar (you can put a copy of it in web-inf/classes).
Alternatively it might be possible to edit plexus.xml to provide an
override of what's defined in components.xml but I haven't tried it yet.
Again please note that this has not been tested yet so I don't know
precisely how to configure it but it should be possible.