I read this example:
#set ($hql ="select distinct doc.fullName, otherprop.value,
doc.creationDate from XWikiDocument as doc, BaseObject as
obj, StringProperty otherprop, DBStringListProperty as prop
join prop.list list
where obj.name=doc.fullName and
obj.className='Blog.BlogPostClass' and obj.id=prop.id.id and
prop.id.name='category' and list='Blog.Autres'
and obj.id=otherprop.id.id and otherprop.id.name='title'
order by doc.creationDate desc")
(must try with category property now)
Nope: I didn't managed to have multiselect category values with hql query :-(
maybe I must uncheck database relationnel storage (and use this filter "list like
because like sergio said in
<<values from the list, while Relational Storage makes it easier to integrate that
property into other queries by storing each selected item in its own entry in the database
(without it all the selected values are stored in one row, concatenated into a VARCHAR
column), and to store >>