Hi Peter,
is Glassfish capable of serving a proxy address (like Tomcat) to the
application? This would be address and port Zeus presents to the
The approach of changing the xwixik.cfg would make the hostname and
port differ from the ones Glassfish expects and is using. That leads
to problems.
Sorry, don't know a thing about Glassfish but possibly it helps finding
a solution.
Best wishes
Werner Greßhoff
Am 07.02.2011 07:31, schrieb peter evans:
Webserver Zeus
Javaserver Glassfish v3
Database mysql but who's checking.
Xwiki 2.7 (Also verified something similar in 3.0 M1)
Glassfish lives on localhost:8080
Zeus gateways
http://MYSITE/xwiki --> localhost:8080
Within reason, Zeus is fully capable of re-writing most stuff to match, URLS, cookies
So, what xwiki.cfg etc should I be setting to make generated URLs reflect the
external address rather than internal.
xwiki.home alone does not seem sufficient.
Also, with this setup, besides the stuff below, activation emails are:
Subject: Validate your account on localhost:8080
In order to activate your account, please follow this link:
Which suggests $xwiki.getDocument("Main.WebHome").getExternalURL()
Gruesome details below.
Some stuff isn't getting converted:
for example:
http://MYSITE/xwiki/ --> /xwiki/bin/view/Main/
where in the log-in corner, we have:
<input name="xredirect" type="hidden"
This is present pretty much everywhere.
click on log-in
<input name="xredirect" type="hidden"
Successfully logged in, now we have:
<a class="tme"
fire="function(){var M=D([this],arguments);
return L.apply(null,M)
}" observe="function(){var M=D([this],arguments);
return L.apply(null,M)
... LOTS ...
Go to the blog page:
the "tme" above is present everywhere.
If I set the user to use "wysiwyg" editor, then attempt to create a blog
Both "content" and "summary" are stuck with the spinner. Searching
for localhost gives me:
<script type="text/javascript" fire="function(){var
return L.apply(null,M)
............................ LOTS .............
return L.apply(null,M)
}" _extendedByPrototype="function(){}">//<![CDATA[ var
cancelEditNextOnunload; var cancelCancelEditFlag = true; var lockEditFlag = false;
function cancelEditResponse(){ } function cancelEdit(){ if (cancelCancelEditFlag)
{ var surl = "http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/cancel/Blog/Test+2?ajax=1";
var myAjax = new Ajax.Request( surl, {
method: 'get', parameters: "",
asynchronous: true, discardResponse: true
}); cancelCancelEditFlag = false; } if (cancelEditNextOnunload!=null)
cancelEditNextOnunload(); } function lockEdit(){ if (lockEditFlag==false) {
var surl =
var myAjax = new Ajax.Request( surl, {
method: 'get', parameters: ""
asynchronous: true }); lockEditFlag = false; } }
function prepareCancelEdit() { lockEdit(); } function cancelCancelEdit() {
cancelCancelEditFlag = false; } Event.observe(window, "unload",
cancelEdit); Event.observe(window, "pagehide", cancelEdit);
Event.observe(document, "dom:loaded", prepareCancelEdit); //
plus "tme" as above.
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ var wysiwygConfigck21 = {
syntax: 'xwiki\/2.0' ,cacheId: 'wysiwygCachetgAm' ,toolbar: 'bold
italic underline strikethrough | subscript superscript | unorderedlist orderedlist |
outdent indent | undo redo | format | hr symbol | paste' ,plugins: 'submit line
separator embed text valign list indent history format symbol link image table macro
import' ,page: 'Test 2' ,menu: 'link image table macro import'
,convertInput: 'true' ,hookId: 'Blog.BlogPostClass_0_content' ,wiki:
'xwiki' ,space: 'Blog' ,inputURL:
}; //]]></script>
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ var wysiwygConfigck21 = {
syntax: 'xwiki\/2.0' ,cacheId: 'wysiwygCachetgAm' ,toolbar: 'bold
italic underline strikethrough | subscript superscript | unorderedlist orderedlist |
outdent indent | undo redo | format | hr symbol | paste' ,plugins: 'submit line
separator embed text valign list indent history format symbol link image table macro
import' ,page: 'Test 2' ,menu: 'link image table macro import'
,convertInput: 'true' ,hookId: 'Blog.BlogPostClass_0_content' ,wiki:
'xwiki' ,space: 'Blog' ,inputURL:
}; //]]></script>
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