"search page" searching only
Id value and not lib
value (of course because it is the id value that is stored
in EAClass object)
i.e. I found pages,
if I search
"25_dgec" but not if I search
Yes, this
is 'normal' because ATM only the raw value (id) is
for Database List properties.
- Result "search
page" displayed
property name (and not the pretty name)
FAQ have same issue.
- my solr facet
displayed my id value
Do you know how can I fix this issue (if
someone understand my problem ;-) )?
Here I paste a nice screenchot:
ATM there's no solution
for the search results highlights. The
property name displayed there is part of the
highlight (the matched
text) and it cannot
be parsed (if the property value is large enough
and the match is somewhere at the end then the
property name is not
even included in the
To resolve the problem I use lib column to display correct value (and not the id)
Regarding the raw
value (id) displayed in the facet, you can write a
custom facet that displays the label
corresponding to the raw value.
Yes I manage to did this solution, but I was confronted at multi class problem
Thxs anyway, I store pretty name in my Page with Class.