On Sep 13, 2008, at 3:32 PM, Artem Melentyev wrote:
marlon hendred wrote:
A couple pages on my wiki have been spammed and I
was wondering if
there is a way to delete all comments by XWikiGuest easily. I have
noticed a table in the db called xwikircs that gets updated evertime
there is a change to the wiki. Also noticed that when someone makes a
comment some info about the comment, including the comments goes
xwikircs store full difference of document change in xml format,
including objects (comments are objects).
Once per "xwiki.store.rcs.nodesPerFull" (xwiki.cfg parameter, 5 by
default) versions xwikircs stores full xml of document for performance
But for some reason the xwikicomments table is
empty? So i guess
there are really two questions, why is the xwikicomments table empty
Because XWiki.XWikiComments class is not using xwiki custom mappings
feature now. (It used some time later)
and is there an easy way to delete spam comments
(comments by
XWikiGuest). Thanks in advanced!
You can just revert document to a version before spam.
In the past we had a script to do that.
Basically what you can do is create a velocity script that looks for
XWiki.XWikiComments objects and remove all of the matching a given
Then you run it several times passing the keyword (like viagra, some
url ,etc).
Would be good to put this script on
code.xwiki.org in the snippets area.