I'd like to give some feedback on our installation of XWiki
Entreprise. We used Tomcat 5.5 and Oracle 10g.
The connection with the database works fine, although we had a little
fear because we didn't restart the whole Tomcat after adding the
driver, so we had lots of errors.
There is one thing that doesn't work properly though: the database
username specified in the configuration file hibernate.cfg.xml is not
recognized by the system. It uses the username "xwiki" as if it was
hardcoded. We have a naming policy for or DB users, so this is a
problem for us. It might be troublesome if we start mounting a
wikifarm but I'm not sure about that, you tell me. Should I file an
issue on this?
We are now making tests in a production environment and it seems that
everything works fine.
Thanks for the good job on XWiki. We'll keep you updated with the good
and bad news.
William Lesguillier
Consultor gestión de las tecnologías de la información
Junta de Andalucía
Consejería de Economía y Hacienda
Dirección General de Sistemas Económico Financieros
Servicio de Producción