There is another macro #gridresultwithfilter() similar to live table,
but with query options.
Though it is not documented and I cannot prepare working examples.
For search criteria testing probably will help
I have a few questions on a variety of topics
1. Is there a method that returns the access rights for a given group? I tried to use
method hasAccessLevel to return the access rights (at the group level) but it seems that
the method only applies for users and not groups.
To expand on this thought, where are all the group names stored? I've been using
hasAccessLevel using XWiki.{groupname} as the parameter, so I am not sure whether I am
calling it right.
2. It seems that no one has addressed Mike Davis's question, but since I also need to
do something similar to what he brought up, I'd like to bring it up again:
Mike Davis said:
"2) Is there a way to remotely access a sql 2005 database from an xwiki
script? A groovy wrapper for java jdbc or something. I want to query
the database and put the results in a livetable, but the db lives on a
completely separate server."
I understand that accessing files depends on the web server you are running xwiki on, but
I am almost clueless on how to access information on another server from a web server.
I'm not sure if I am asking the right people, but if someone would like to enlighten
me, I'd greatly appreciate it.
3. Regarding Livetable, I need to create a (huge) table that includes the User field and
well as the AllDocs field. What I am trying to do is create a table that will display the
access rights for a given user and given document. Livetable is obviously the best option
for this kind of task because of its organization, but it seems that I can only use one
classname and either display AllDocs or Users on the livetable, not both.
Thank you,
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