On May 13, 2008, at 2:50 PM, Gabriela Radu wrote:
i would answer question if i only knew the answers. and question of
this kind(legitimate) "is xwiki safe?" etc. i cannot explain.
because i don;t know the specific facts.(although i have a clear
oppinion about it) maybe i am at the beggining and i am looking for
answers if i cannot find documentation only.
Sure, but as you progress on your understanding of xwiki you'll see
that you'll have more and more knowledge to help answer questions :)
Also, the goal is to have all possible questions answered in xwiki's
documentation on
xwiki.org so if you can't find your answer there and
someone answers your question it would be nice to discuss and find the
right place where to document what you've learned on
xwiki.org so that
the next person who has this question can find it there.
Basically anything that you can do to help the xwiki project in
general would be great!
On May 13, 2008, at 2:26 PM, Guillaume Lerouge wrote:
Hi Gabriela,
and another thing, is this comunity using skype?
so that all of
this(asking/respoinding) can be done much faster? is there an id
for skype?
The XWiki team is available on IRC, #xwiki on
irc.freenode.net .
But please note that the mailing list is really the best. We recommend
using the list as much as possible as:
1) it allows the full xwiki community to participate. Lots of people
have day jobs and can only participate in their free time
2) it is recorded and archived
3) it spreads the support load on to everyone and not just on the
xwiki committers
Re the response time this is an open source project so you can't
expect some fast/guaranteed response time (btw you must also answer to
other's questions if you expect them to answer your questions, it's a
give-give relationship).
If you're looking for quick and guaranteed response time you could
consider paying for XWiki support. The XPertNet company is offering
such a kind of support (
users mailing list
Take care ,
Gabriela Radu :)
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