I am new to XWiki and I am having problems trying to sort the result of
a Tag search using other Tags. Example: I have a Tag "Photoshop", Click on
the Tag and I get all documents tagged with "Photoshop" but what I want is
to sort them according to their other tags, so it could be Photoshop Header
with Sub Header "Tutorial" and under that could be all the documents. What
I have done till now is:
#set ($tag = "$!{request.get('tag')}")
#set ($list = $xwiki.tag.getDocumentsWithTag($tag))
#set ($list2 = $wiki.tag.getDocumentsWithTag('Tutorial'))
#foreach($doc in $list)
#foreach($doc2 in $list2)
#if($doc.fullName == $doc2.fullname)
I need a way to display *$doc* as it would have been displayed if
false $blacklistedSpaces) *would accept *$doc*