I use XWiki 6.3 on ubuntu 14.04 LTS using Tomcat 7 and MySQL (XWiki .deb version).
I want to know how to log some specific stuff like user creation or registration, pages
modification, login/logout, forbidden acces to a page...
I understand that i can do it with the administration interface of the wiki or by editing
the logback.xml file. But i can't find any information on which "Logger" i
have to configure to log specific events.
For example, i found that if i set the
"com.xpn.xwiki.user.impl.xwiki.MyFormAuthenticator" to INFO level, i can see
failed and successful login in the catalina.out file. But for other specific action i
don't know!
I tried some logger but with no result for what i want to log.
Thanks for help.
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