Yes it a bug in the CreateWiki page that use the wrong method to display
name and use it as template wiki name. It is corrected in upcoming version
planned for next week (Monday if all is ok).
Sorry for this.
2007/10/17, Andrew Saunders <andy(a)>om>:
I have just installed the XWiki Enterprise Manager (XEM) and having
difficulty creating a wiki from a template. I already have a template
created but within the From wiki Template dropdown box it is displaying
$wikimanager.getWikiName($template) instead of the template's wiki name. If
I create a new template the dropdown list just displays another entry of
When I create a wiki from this template entry I get the following error
Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page
WikiManager.CreateNewWiki Wrapped Exception: Invocation of method
'createNewWiki' in class
com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.wikimanager.WikiManagerPluginApi threw exception
com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 3223 in 3: Exception while
searching documents with sql [] Wrapped Exception: Error number 3301 in 3:
Exception while switching to database $wikimanager.getWikiName($template)
Wrapped Exception: Incorrect database name
'$wikimanager.getwikiname($template)' @
Any assistance would be much appreciated
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Thomas Mortagne