You could use .
Hope this helps,
On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 1:24 PM, mohit gupta <motgupta(a)> wrote:
I want to configure the accessdenied.vm( it is the
page where i see the
message You are not allowed to view this document or perform this action.).
i want to provide the backlink on accessdenied.vm page which takes the user
back to page where he is coming from. If it is not possible , even if
backlink takes to home page of the space
he is coming from will be fine.*Please provide me the inputs if it is
configurable or with the small code snippet which i can iclude in
Intention of doing this is if user lands up on accessdenied page he has to
go back by click on back button on browser but to make the application
better i want the back link on accessdenied page itself . Thanks in
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