while working with RSS threads in an old XWIKI ENTERPRISE 2.4.30451 instalation using
ISO-8859-1 encoding we found that Dublin Core <dc:creator> metadata elements include
NCR (like &#225; or &#237;) codes that are not well rendered by Google
Reader. The same sequences of characters are included in <description> and they are
well rendered using also Google Reader.
As a solution on our side it seems to me that we only could update XE (a new XE 4.3
installation works fine: this must be done but I can't do it now!) or to avoid NCR
strings in <dc:creator> in the old installation. We already did that by removing
$escaping.xml from a number of templates and it did the trick for titles in different
pages, but I'm not able to find how could I control <dc:creator> contents.
Please, could you be so kind as for pointing me in the right direction?
Thanks for your help!
Ricardo Rodríguez
Research Management and Promotion Technician
Technical Secretariat
Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
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