Gerritjan Koekkoek wrote:
I'm puzzled by HOW scripts, CSS, images can be located by XWIKI that
reside in the skindirectory inthe skinsfolder (Albatros, Toucan or
custom build skins)
How does this work?
My question is most urgent on scripts (Velocity in my case)
I see the developper has created a few scripts: attachmentsinline.vm,
endpage.vm, registerinline.vm, changeavatar.vm, footer.vm,
editactions.vm, global.vm, startpage.vm, editinline.vm, history.vm,
stylesheets.vm, editmodes.vm, login.vm, userinactive.vm,
menuview.vm, validations.vm, edituser.vm, passwd.vm
I list them all on purpose;
some scripts I can trace back to scripts in the, They are
invoked from a piece of code
<script type="text/javascript">
(notice the call to "menuview")
This is not a call to menuview. This is JavaScript. It works on the
clientside, inside the browser, and it just gets a reference to a HTML
element with that ID. It has nothing to do with the velocity template.
Some are invoked from the other (example in
But I can not trace back all of the scripts in the list above, either
they are useless or they are called by some XWIKI process i'm not
aware off.
XWiki is mainly developed in Java, velocity templates are used for
presentation and some basic functionalities. None of the templates are
useless, they are all called either from a java Action, or, as you
mentioned, recursively from other templates or documents.
I'm in the process of moving all these files of
the custom skin into
the wiki (to get rid of dependencies of system managers) , but untill
I understand how they work or are invoked I find it tricky
What do you mean? What system managers?
Sergiu Dumitriu