On 03/16/2011 09:58 PM, Legeinfo wrote:
Thanks for replay Sergiu Dumitriu:
from my start_xwiki.bat:
set XWIKI_OPTS=-Xmx300m
I am developing a USB-flash memory windows solution that have to work on a
minimal windows XP platform. Working on every windows XP.
Is there a way back from xxx-ḿb to 300m?
There really shouldn't be any technical reason not to be able to do
that. Perhaps you have too much data in the database? Note that HSQLDB
is, by default, a memory database, meaning that it will hold all its
data in memory at runtime, so depending on the size of the database, you
need to increase the heap size accordingly. You could try to manually
change the database file so that large tables are of type CACHED instead
of MEMORY. This will reduce the memory requirement, but will also
decrease performance.
To do this, edit database\xwiki_db.script and change the lines at the
start from:
You can start by changing only the XWIKIATTACHMENT_ARCHIVE and
XWIKIATTACHMENT_CONTENT tables, which are the ones holding attachments,
and which require the most memory. This will reduce the memory
requirement the most, while having only little impact on performance.
Sergiu Dumitriu