Up to now we only have pages ans spaces to structure information. I
would like to suggest to have another level of structuration, as we
can have for instance in MindMaps (MindManager) or in
http://www.w3schools.com/ or even in formalisms like SADT(IDEF0).
The idea is to have a tree of plans, each plan can have pages
structured into spaces, but each plan is itself structured into a
In mind manager, each node can be refined in a sub-tree and we can
navigate easily from one level to another one.
http://www.w3schools.com/, the information is well presented on
the left side of the site as spaces containing pages. Somes pages are
themselves subplan, and when we clik on the, we enter in the sub tree
with the same kind of presentation... It is really clear, and
efficiant... I've made 5 years ago a generator in Mindmanager to
generate from the mind map automaticcaly an intranet following the
ruels edicted for w3schools. It was actually very convenient .