Hey all,
the TagCloud macro has a rounding error.
The result is, that the highest occurrence has no value in class attribute and is
displayed similar to notPopular.
The following code should solve the problem:
## tagCloudSpace - the space to display the tag cloud for. If blank, display cloud for the
whole wiki. Default is blank.
#set ($tagCloudSpace = $context.macro.params.get('space'))
## Configurable popularity levels. You must an even number of levels. Default: 6.
#set ($popularityLevels = ["notPopular", "notVeryPopular",
"somewhatPopular", "popular", "veryPopular",
#set ($levelsHalf = $popularityLevels.size() / 2)
## Get tag count map. Key: tag, value: number of occurrences.
#set ($tagCount = $xwiki.tag.getTagCount("$!tagCloudSpace"))
## only build popularity map if at least one tag exists
#if ($tagCount.size() > 0)
## Store the minimum and maximum number of occurrences.
#set ($sortedTagCounts = $sorttool.sort($tagCount.values()))
#set ($maxIndex = $sortedTagCounts.size() - 1)
#set ($minCount = $listtool.get($sortedTagCounts, 0))
#set ($maxCount = $listtool.get($sortedTagCounts, $maxIndex))
## Calculate the total number of tags in the wiki.
#set ($totalTagNumber = 0)
#foreach ($currentTagCount in $sortedTagCounts)
#set ($totalTagNumber = $totalTagNumber + $currentTagCount)
#set ($countAverage = $mathtool.div($totalTagNumber, $tagCount.size()))
## Build popularity map using the difference between minimum maximum tag occurrences
## and the average tag occurences count.
#set ($firstHalfIntervalSize = $mathtool.div($mathtool.sub($countAverage, $minCount),
#set ($secondHalfIntervalSize = $mathtool.div($mathtool.sub($maxCount, $countAverage),
## use a sorted map
#set ($popularityMap = $util.getTreeMap())
#set ($previousPopularityMax = $minCount)
#set ($intervalSize = $firstHalfIntervalSize)
#set ($halfPassed = false)
#foreach ($popularityLevel in $popularityLevels)
#if ($velocityCount > $levelsHalf && !$halfPassed)
#set ($intervalSize = $secondHalfIntervalSize)
#set ($halfPassed = true)
#set ($currentPopularityMax = $mathtool.add($previousPopularityMax, $intervalSize))
## round the threshold
#set ($threshold = $mathtool.roundTo(1, $currentPopularityMax))
#set ($discard = $popularityMap.put($threshold, $popularityLevel))
#set ($previousPopularityMax = $currentPopularityMax)
## Display tag cloud.
#if ($tagCount.size() > 0)
<ol class="tagCloud">
#foreach ($tagEntry in $tagCount.entrySet())
#foreach ($popularityEntry in $popularityMap.entrySet())
#if ($popularityEntry.Key >= $tagEntry.Value)
#set ($liClass = $popularityEntry.Value)
<li class="$liClass">
<a class="tag" href="$xwiki.getURL("Main.Tags",
"view", "do=viewTag&tag=$escapetool.url($tagEntry.Key)")"
#if("$!tagCloudSpace" == "")
$msg.get("xe.tag.notagsforspace", ["$tagCloudSpace"])
best regards
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