Hi Mehdi,
On 4 Jun 2015 at 20:44:12, Mehdi Oulmakki (oulmakki@gmail.com(mailto:oulmakki@gmail.com))
Hello everyone,
I am writing a script to translate XML exports of Mediawiki pages into the
XAR format that XWiki can import.
My challenge is that I have not found a formal definition of what the
page's xml as well as the package xml should be, as they do not contain
schema information.
I have been "reverse engineering" the definition by looking at some
exports, but if anyone is aware of where the definition could be found it
would be extremely helpful.
You are completely right, we were missing that information on xwiki.org…
I have now added it
Note that I’m not 100% of all my descriptions so it would be nice if some xwiki dev
validate it (Thomas for example since he’s implemented the export! :)).
Also note that if you’re working on a MediaWiki import I’d suggest you implement it as a
Filter for
http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Filter+Application in the
same way as we’ve done it for Confluence
If you’re interested in this approach (the best) then I’m sure Thomas Mortagne will be
happy to help you out (this is his baby!).
Hope it helps,