Hi Laurent,
On Oct 13, 2008, at 2:37 PM, Laurent Michenaud wrote:
I would like to know if you use the
wiki editor or the wysiwyg editor ?
I have tried both but i've seen that it doesnot
generate the same things.
ex: {code} and {style:type=div|class=code}
and when you use both, it breaks layout and some
I think i'm going to disable the wysiwig editor
but i'm interesting with your opinion ?
We have had some stability issues with our current wysiwyg editor and
we've decided to rewrite it completely in order to have the best and
most stable wysiwyg editor of all wikis ;) We're now getting closed to
being able to release it and a first working version is planned for
the end of the year. If you're using XWiki Enterprise 1.6 you can
already enable the new editor but it's an alpha version right now.
For what it will look like, please see
Note that for the new wysiwyg editor to work you'll have to use the
new wiki syntax (see
which is planned to be final for the end of the year (XE 1.7).
So if you can use only the wiki editor for now I think that would be
the best.