Are you sure you got the right document? You can write $doc.fullName
to see what is the name of the document.
Are you sure you do have such an object? Open the document in the
browser and go to the object editor to check that.
Are you sure you are using the right class name? Isn't there a wrong
letter, or something?
On 8/21/07, Rajendra Prasad.M <rajncst(a)> wrote:
In the XWiki application I developed, I am using Lucene plugin for search.
Once the search result comes I am getting the document as follows:
#set($myDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($
When I print $myDoc it prints
So I assume I am getting the document all right. Now I want to get the
Object of the document so that I can display the properties of that
document. But the following code doesn't work.
#set($myObj = $myDoc.getObject("xxxx.xxxxClass"))
$myObj doesn't contain the object after the above code is executed.
Any idea what's the problem?
Any help is much appreciated,
- Raj