Hi Brandon,
On Jan 21, 2008, at 12:56 PM, Esbach, Brandon wrote:
Hi Devs,
Admin user should really be able to reset a user's password in the
event that the user forgets their password (like with any other
Something like a link for admin users simply called "set temporary
password" that requires the user to change their password when they
use this password would be perfect.
Not really sure it's a bug, as you can -can- do this by editing
objects directly, it's just not user friendly that way.
It's simply that there's no direct UI for it but it's certainly
supported. Since it's an admin thing, the UI is not that important
though since an Admin knows how to edit objects.
That said, I agree that a UI option would be nicer. Feel free to
create a jira issue for it and submit a patch.