Hi Sergiu,
What would be great is if instead of replying to questions you create
a FAQ entry or some documentation on
xwiki.org and give a link.
That would allow our knowledge base to grow.
This would be a great FAQ.
On Feb 14, 2008, at 12:07 AM, Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
Frantisek Kall wrote:
wikimatrix.org <http://wikimatrix.org> I
read CamelCase is
feature in xwiki. How can I switch it on ?
1. Extract the file radeox_markup_xwiki.properties from
<webapp-root>/xwiki/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-core-*.jar into
2. Edit /xwiki/WEB-INF/classes/radeox_markup_xwiki.properties and
replace filter.link.match=\\[(.+?)\\] with
3. Restart XWiki
Now you have support for CamelCase, but the WYSIWYG editor will not be
able to work with these kind of links.
> What I shoud do when I need translate xwiki user interface to Slovak
> language ?