Hi Hosam,
Hosam Hassan wrote:
I just want to have the footer to be on online instead of the multiple lines so first
line is creator bla bla aligned right( I can do this from the style.css).
Then the copyright i want it to be aligned left not right but in the CSS file its the
same element so I have no idea how to do this.
Even tough skins are evolving fast, they are not completely independent
yet. Thus, although you are using Toucan, Velocity templates in
Albatross does still control many aspects of the layout.
To get what you want, you need to modify footer.vm in
albatross/templates. Or create a new skin and put a new footer.vm file
in its folder.
Consider this link as a good starting point to create a new skin...
Doing that, it will be much more easier to update to new XWiki releases:
you will have all your customization in a separate folder that you will
want to copy to the new directory once you update the basic structure.
If you modify files in the included skins, you must later be able to 1)
keep track of these changes 2) compare new releases with the one you
have in your wiki to see if any new feature/parameter has been
introduced (Release notes will help, what it is by no means easy to do
There are much more different options to customize skins! I am just
starting to understand how things are doing here...
Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team