Hi Alina,
On 11/22/2010 04:12 PM, afrey wrote:
Hi all,
I'm struggling creating a xwql query that joins two tables.
Let's say I have two classes: Fruit and Supplier.
Fruit has the following properties: Name, Supplier.
What's the type of the "Supplier" property? Is it a database list? Have
you tried using a string property instead (e.g. supplier name) and a
join condition like fruit.Supplier = supplier.Name ?
Hope this helps,
Supplier has the following properties: Name, City.
I need the query that returns:
All Fruit that has Supplier with City='Melbourne'.
I can get all the Fruit objects:
#set($fruits = $services.query.xwql("from doc.object(Fruit.FruitClass) as
And separately I can get all the Supplier objects that have city='Melbourne'
#set($suppliers = $services.query.xwql("where
But I can't combine them. Please advise.