Greetings fellow earthlings,
I am hoping some generous soul can help me here, I am a thin-client app
noob, but (IMHO) not a complete muppet. What I have is a brand new Linux
(Ubuntu 6.06 server distro) server, Jboss 4.4.2.GA, mysql 5.0.22, xwiki
1.1.2, java-1.5.0-sun-
My goal is an xwiki based site for the service and support department of
the company I work for. I have installed xwiki on my local PC using the
stanalone distro, all good. Now I want to get a server running so I can
start to show the interested parties how it might work and get some
feedback on the thing.
I have followed the instructions on the xwiki and jboss sites pretty
faithfully (multiple times) and can't seem to get xwiki to deploy under
jboss. I have set mysql user and priviledges, downloaded the connector,
modified hibernate.cfg.xml blah, blah. I can see the jboss default pages
http://myserver.mydomain:8080/) when I start the jboss server, but
no xwiki at
http://myserver.mydomain:8080/xwiki I get http 404. I
haven't got to the stage of importing the default enterprise database
Can someone help by first suggesting where I should start looking. I
have had a look in the server.log and boot.log but they all seem like
gobbly-gook to me. I won't post here as the server log is huge, 5MB, but
I can filter it to something sensible if only I knew what to look for.
Hoping someone can point me in the right direction,
Thanks in advance,
Applications Engineer
Rinstrum Pty. Ltd
Products, support and applications at