Sorry to post so soon on same problem, but I haven't solved it yet.
I would like to add users to my wiki who are registered as members of The reason for this is to allow them to log in once, and
then be able to edit all the wikis of which they are members, instead
of remembering a new login for each wiki.
I am entering the users in the Group Object as xwiki:XWiki.loginName
where the loginName is the user's login at
I found the FAQ on creating a new group HowDoICreateNewGroups, and
followed the instructions. I now have a new group, and have
successfully added users to it.
Then I go to the Preferences page, and make a new rights rule that
gives privileges to the new group. For ex. I select the group, select
view/edit and Allow.
This doesn't work. The user cannot log into the wiki. I think the
problem may be the syntax I am using for the user name. Can someone
give me the correct syntax?
Is there some other way to do this?
Finally, perhaps this isn't possible, and I should just make the
users log into more than one wiki?
thanks, --elli