Thank you Vincent, that's exactly what I needed :-) And sorry I didn't
check the tutes more carefully...
Just for people that need to do this without a full-blown Groovy class:
#macro( addDate $timeZone $date)
#set( $script = "
x = context.getClass()
" )
#set( $runnable = $xwiki.parseGroovyFromString( $script ) )
$runnable.setProperty( "context", $context )
$runnable.setProperty( "timeZone", $timeZone )
$runnable.setProperty( "date", $date )
On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 3:46 AM, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)> wrote:
Hi Lewis,
Maybe this will help:…
In the shown example there are objects passed from Velocity to Groovy.
On Jul 15, 2009, at 5:30 PM, Lewis Denizen wrote:
Hi xwiki-users,
I have a simple macro defined in velocity:
#macro( addDate $timeZone $date )
#set( $script = "
tz = '$timeZone'
date = '$date'
timezone = java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone( timezone )
cal = java.util.Calendar.getInstance( timezone )
// etc...
" )
#set( $runnable = $xwiki.parseGroovyFromString( $script ) )
Currently, the velocity macro parameters $timeZone and $date have to
Strings. I want to be able to pass "real objects" rather than just
into the groovy script, though. I can easily return an Object back
Velocity space by returning from the groovy script, but is there a
way to go
the other way around? I guess what I really need is some "context"
shared by groovy and Velocity...
Thanks in advance!
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