Marc Lijour wrote:
Hi Victor
I see you have jumped one step forward and you made the export script work
within 0.9. I did not the issue you are mentionning (parsing code) -yet. My
problem emerges when unpacking in the new wiki 1.1.1. Although the package
looks like a valid zip file -and the XML descriptor file validates- the
import script cannot list the documents arguing it cannot parse the XML file
(see JIRA issue WIKI-1809).
You're completely right, I just made the arrangements to add export
capabilities to v0.9 but there's a spectacular NullPointerException
(BTW, we can't continue with this migration until this is solved)
Now my question: where do you get this information on
the plugin? What does it
do? Could you elaborate on what's useful in your case?
Basically I began to look into the response that was generated by our
exportImport script, adding the next pieco of code to it, after the
#elseif ($action == "export") instruction and also after all things were
set :
request.getParameterValues("toExport")) :
request.withHistory : $request.withHistory : $
request.description : $request.description
request.licence : $request.licence
request.version : $request.version
request.packageName : $request.packageName
xwiki.package : $xwiki.package
xwiki : $xwiki
which looked like this in my browser (looking at the generated code or
CTRL+U in Firefox) :
request.getParameterValues("toExport")) : [Ljava.lang.String;@48ec77cb)
request.withHistory : true : XWiki.XWiki.Admin
request.description : This is my magnificent description
request.licence : LGPL
request.version : 1.0
request.packageName : package
xwiki.package : $xwiki.package
xwiki : com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki@36ed5ba6
As you can see in wiki.package, when something can't be found it is taken as a
literal, so I began to search in google about $wiki.package, and fund a page wit the code
for class PackagePlugin
inside package com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.packaging, adn looking inside the
xwiki-web-standard-1.1-hsqldb.war (the one user for XWiki distribution) I found where it
is located (BTW, it was
inside xwiki-core-1.1.jar)
The rest is quite simple : extract the
com/xpn/xwiki/plugin/packaging/Package* files, repackage them as
xwiki-packaging-plugin-1.1.jar, copy it to you 0.9 install inside
and add the class com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.packaging.PackagePlugin to your
xwiki.plugins entri inside webapps/xwiki/WEB-INF/xwiki.cfg
I'll all this instructions to the wiki ASAP (I think that during today
Friday or tomorrow)
Hope this helps.
Víctor A. Rodríguez (
El bit Fantasma (Bit-Man) - Algorithm junkie
Perl Mongers Capital Federal (
GNU/Linux User Group - FCEyN - UBA (