How can I turn off the "shortcut" URLs where /bin/Space/Page is
interpreted as /bin/view/Space/Page?
(Specifically, I'm using mod_redirect to clean up the URL
architecture and need to assume that anything prefixed /bin that
isn't /bin/view needs to be passed through as an action.)
- - -
Hans Gerwitz
I'm working with some contributors (Antoine, Lawrence and Jim) on the
new version of the website. It will be more focus on the community,
documentation and the developpement of the software.
I want to separate the demonstration of what XWiki can do and the
sandbox from this website.
So the website we are working on, will replace the current one, and we
will put all others pages to another one.
What do you think about it?
Project Manager XWiki:
skype: jeremi23 -- msn et gtalk : jeremi23(a)
Hi guys,
I'm working on the new version of the XWiki community website.
if you want to participate on the creation of this new website, send me your
login on
for example, for me it's "XWiki.jeremi". I will give you access to it with
Project Manager XWiki:
skype: jeremi23 -- msn et gtalk : jeremi23(a)
Hi all,
i've changed all headers of xwiki to LGPL.
I do it by script, so if you find a mistake, tell me. I use the svn to
generate the @author header, so if someone commit the file for you,
tell me, I will add your name to the header.
Project Manager XWiki:
skype: jeremi23 -- msn et gtalk : jeremi23(a)
Isn't it a potential security hole for
com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki.searchDocuments(*) to return a list of
XWikiDocument instead of wrapping them in a Document like the other
API methods do?
I used to code in php/mysql. But since i discovered xwiki, I really
think it's more powerful.
But, in my opinion there is a thing can be upgrade to facilitate
developtement for webmaster.
as we know There is several URLS :
* view
* edit
* inline
* save
* login
* logout
and others like :
* addcomment
* addobjects
* upload
* delete
I was thinking why some URLs which don't show anything to the users
should not be replace by a more complete Save action programming.
When you save, you can decide
- in which page
- which content
- which objects
- which Files
- can be add, edit, or delete
It will be more clear to understand and to program this kind of thing ?
"Vive xwiki !"
While implementing something I came around the BaseProperty and while
reading the code I found several strange things. I agree with the
comment above BaseProperty that this class should be abstract, mainly
because getValue() always returns null. Then PropertyClass can be made
abstract as well.
But then I'm stuck a bit with the stuff in XWikiHibernateStore, which
creates also new instances of BaseProperty and PropertyClass. It looks
to me like the code there is simply cloning those objects - but why is
it not using clone() then? Well, it is doing some strange stuff there
While looking at all this stuff, I also found several other things which
could be cleaned up to avoid bugs, to increase performance and to make
things easier understandable.
But before I get really started: is this kind of work wanted? I am aware
that with a code base of this size it is easy to break things...
Michael Reinsch <mr(a)>
Hi XWiki developers,
I'm preparing a small plugin for thumbnails as explain in my previous mail.
The image is resized by adding a parameter heigth at this end of a download
URL (eg :xwiki/bin/download/Photos/Seychelles1999/DSC04010.JPG?height=550)
To call the plugin I need to add a piece of code in DownloadAction class.
Do you think :
- is it better to add the dependancy to the plugin in the DownloadAction class
such as :
// Sending the content of the attachment
- byte[] data = attachment.getContent(context);
+ byte[] data = null;
+ // Resize if imageplugin is on
+ ImagePlugin imageplugin = (ImagePlugin)
+ "image", context);
+ if ((request.getParameter("height") != null) &&
(imageplugin != null)) {
+ try {
+ int height =
+ data = imageplugin.createThumbnail(attachment,
height, context);
+ response.setContentType("image/png");
+ } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ if (data == null) data = attachment.getContent(context);
- or is it better to add a generic method in the plugin Interface class
(XWikiPluginInterface) with a method : startDownloading(byte[] data,
XWikiContext context) and to call it after in DownloadAction ?
Xavier MOGHRABI - Consortium ObjectWeb