I've been running xwiki for ages and ages but suddenly it's gone down
the pan!
It was loading some pages and not others. So I restarted Tomcat and
now it never starts:
11:29:26,386 ERROR http-80-Processor24 http://guanxi.uhi.ac.uk/xwiki/
bin/view/Main/WebHome XWikiHibernateStore:updateSchema:177 - Schema
update for wiki xwiki
11:29:26,681 ERROR http-80-Processor24 http://guanxi.uhi.ac.uk/xwiki/
bin/view/Main/WebHome XWikiHibernateStore:updateSchema:240 - Failed
updating schema: Got error 127 from table handler
11:29:36,548 WARN http-80-Processor24 http://guanxi.uhi.ac.uk/xwiki/
bin/view/Main/WebHome JDBCExceptionReporter:logExceptions:71 - SQL
Error: 1030, SQLState: HY000
11:29:36,550 ERROR http-80-Processor24 http://guanxi.uhi.ac.uk/xwiki/
bin/view/Main/WebHome JDBCExceptionReporter:logExceptions:72 - Got
error 127 from table handler
is there any reason it would want to start updating a schema?