xwiki-devs January 2007

  • 25 participants
  • 63 discussions

Attaching an image from another document?
by Vincent Massol
16 years, 10 months

by Hans Gerwitz
18 years

Re: [Issue] Work started: (XWIKI-689) Error number 3201 when starting with big hsqldb files
by Marc Lijour
18 years, 1 month

[VOTE] Branching policy for 1.0
by Vincent Massol
18 years, 1 month

Cannot register new user.
by stephendturner@gmail.com
18 years, 1 month

Re: [xwiki-users] [ANN] XWiki 1.0 Beta 3 Released
by Dan Murphy
18 years, 1 month

Re: [xwiki-dev] HTML Import Plugin and possible XML/HTML checker?
by Vincent Massol
18 years, 1 month

.xar Extension NOT Used Properly
by Catalin Hritcu
18 years, 1 month

Importing a google spreadsheet on XWiki
by jeremi joslin
18 years, 1 month

Rewrite the info, warning, error and floatingbox macros to make use of the style macro .
by phunghainam@xwiki.com
18 years, 1 month
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