I'm in the process of finishing an XWiki Google Web Toolkit API
(server-side and client-side).
I'd like to commit that one in the core including the Java code that is
compiled to Javascript. There is common code for both.
Curriki will also rely on this API.
It is not necessary that the build system compiles the code to
Javascript for the moment, however it is needed to compile the server code.
Currently I suggest commiting the code in:
I also have a Google Web Toolkit client for the FeedPlugin. It's a very
cool RSS Aggregator interface.
It's only client side code. I'm not sure if it should be commit in the core.
If it is it would be in
Can we vote for these 2 things:
- commit the API
- commit the RSS Reader
Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://www.ludovic.org/blog/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
AIM: nvludo Yahoo: ludovic
Indeed, Java 1.6 introduces some changes in the API. I tried to fix these
errors, but at the first glance the API is incompatible with Java 1.4 (or I
don't know that much Java 1.6). This will have to be fixed soon, as some
systems (such as Gentoo) introduced J1.6 in the default system installation.
On 12/24/06, Ludovic Dubost <ludovic(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
> It's the right repository.
> Clearly createStruct is a JavaSE 6 function which includes JDBC 3.0. You
> must have some jdbc 3 library somewhere if this also happens with jdk 1.5
> Ludovic
> Marc Lijour a écrit :
> > According to the ant file that should not matter as it targets the 1.4
> > platform:
> >
> > <target name="xwiki" depends="clover-yes, clover-no, xwiki.nonjava">
> > <javac srcdir="${core.java.main.src.dir}"
> > destdir="${classes.dir}"
> > classpath="${libs}"
> > debug="on" optimize="on" deprecation="on"
> > compiler="${compiler}" source="1.4"
> > sourcepath=""
> > encoding="ISO-8859-1"/>
> > </target>
> >
> > I tried with 1.5 and 32/64 bit versions of the jdk (>=1.5) and I get
> exactly
> > the same error.
> >
> > Is this the right repository? It looks like it because you committed to
> it
> > yesterday. But just in case:
> >
> > $ svn info
> > Path: .
> > URL: svn://svn.forge.objectweb.org/svnroot/xwiki/xwiki/trunk
> > Repository Root: svn://svn.forge.objectweb.org/svnroot/xwiki
> > Repository UUID: f329d543-caf0-0310-9063-dda96c69346f
> > Revision: 1800
> > Node Kind: directory
> > Schedule: normal
> > Last Changed Author: ludovic
> > Last Changed Rev: 1800
> > Last Changed Date: 2006-12-22 18:52:06 -0500 (Fri, 22 Dec 2006)
> > Properties Last Updated: 2006-12-22 17:39:52 -0500 (Fri, 22 Dec 2006)
> >
> >
> > On Sunday 24 December 2006 07:56, Ludovic Dubost wrote:
> >
> >> I don't think anybody has tried 1.6 on xwiki
> >> Probably some news api's in 1.6 JDBC.
> >>
> >> Ludovic
> >>
> >> Marc Lijour a écrit :
> >>
> >>> I should have mentioned it.
> >>> It is actually the latest.
> >>>
> >>> $ java -version
> >>> java version "1.6.0"
> >>> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)
> >>> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode)
> >>>
> >>> On Saturday 23 December 2006 10:02, Ludovic Dubost wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>> I think you are having a JDBC version problem. Maybe you are
> compiling
> >>>> with an older java
> >>>>
> >>>> Ludovic
> >>>>
> >>>> Marc Lijour a écrit :
> >>>>
> >>>>> Hi
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I try to compile from the latest svn image. It does not compile at
> >>>>> target xwiki. Have you some idea why?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Buildfile: build.xml
> >>>>>
> >>>>> prepare:
> >>>>> [propertyfile] Updating property
> >>>>> file:
> >>>>>
> /home/samba/devel/xwiki/web/standard/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/version.pr
> >>>>> op erties
> >>>>>
> >>>>> clover-yes:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> clover-no:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> xwiki.nonjava:
> >>>>> [copy] Copying 1 file to /home/samba/devel/xwiki/build/web
> >>>>>
> >>>>> xwiki:
> >>>>> (...)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> [javac]
> >>>>>
> /home/samba/devel/xwiki/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/store/XWikiJDB
> >>>>> CC onnection.java:34: com.xpn.xwiki.store.XWikiJDBCConnection is not
> >>>>> abstract and does not override abstract method
> >>>>> createStruct(java.lang.String,java.lang.Object[]) in
> >>>>> java.sql.Connection [javac] public class XWikiJDBCConnection
> implements
> >>>>> Connection { [javac] ^
> >>>>> (...)
> >>>>> [javac] 1 error
> >>>>> [javac] 37 warnings
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>>> -
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> --
> >>>>> You receive this message as a subscriber of the
> xwiki-dev(a)objectweb.org
> >>>>> mailing list. To unsubscribe:
> >>>>> mailto:xwiki-dev-unsubscribe@objectweb.org For general help:
> >>>>> mailto:sympa@objectweb.org?subject=help
> >>>>> ObjectWeb mailing lists service home page:
> http://www.objectweb.org/wws
> >>>>>
> >>>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> You receive this message as a subscriber of the
> xwiki-dev(a)objectweb.org
> >>> mailing list. To unsubscribe: mailto:
> xwiki-dev-unsubscribe(a)objectweb.org
> >>> For general help: mailto:sympa@objectweb.org?subject=help
> >>> ObjectWeb mailing lists service home page:
> http://www.objectweb.org/wws
> >>>
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> > --
> > You receive this message as a subscriber of the xwiki-dev(a)objectweb.orgmailing list.
> > To unsubscribe: mailto:xwiki-dev-unsubscribe@objectweb.org
> > For general help: mailto:sympa@objectweb.org?subject=help
> > ObjectWeb mailing lists service home page: http://www.objectweb.org/wws
> >
> --
> Ludovic Dubost
> Blog: http://www.ludovic.org/blog/
> XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
> Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
> AIM: nvludo Yahoo: ludovic
> --
> You receive this message as a subscriber of the xwiki-dev(a)objectweb.orgmailing list.
> To unsubscribe: mailto:xwiki-dev-unsubscribe@objectweb.org
> For general help: mailto:sympa@objectweb.org?subject=help
> ObjectWeb mailing lists service home page: http://www.objectweb.org/wws
I think we need to say explicitely what browsers we're supporting on
wiki.org and then make sure we test with all those browsers when we make any
So what's the list of browsers we want to support?
I think the minimal list is:
* IE6
* FF 1.5
* FF 2.0
Do we want to officially support more? (with the available
committers/contributors we have of course - Otherwise we could support all
the browsers on earth :-)).
Note: this doesn't mean it won't work with other browsers. It means it's not
guaranteed it'll work and shouldn't be considered a bug when it doesn't.
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Hi everyone,
We're happy to announce the 1.0 Beta 2 release. It's mostly a bug fix
release but it also contains some new improvements such as new macros.
* Lots of bugs fixed. Most of them are bugs related to the WYSIWYG editor
and the new 1.0 skin.
* Simplified Edit menu with only a single menu entry. This is to make it
simpler for new users. It's possible to switch between Simple and Advanced
from the user profile page.
* New #info("This is some useful information"), #warning("Careful not to
break something") and #error("You did something terrible") macros.
* New #floatingbox() macro to display a floating box (aligned right by
* __text__ is now the notation for underline
* Lots of other minor improvements
Full list: http://tinyurl.com/yz9ccw
Thanks and enjoy
-The XWiki Team
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Hi everyone,
I patched the Navigation panel in the new skin to display page titles
instead of the page name if a page title exists. If this is useful
please included it in the standard skin.
Luis Arias
+33 6 14 20 87 93
skype : kaaloo
I'm calling a code freeze on 1.0 Beta 2. This means:
* I've created a XWIKI_1_0_BETA_2 branch. All code for Beta 2 must now go
* No new code should be submitted for beta 2 unless:
- this code fixes a regression from b1
- this code fixes a bug introduced in b2
* Any code checked in on the beta 2 branch MUST also be merged immediately
on trunk (The beta 2 branch will be removed once we tag the Beta 2)
* People working on beta 3 must commit on trunk
The next step is for me to build beta 2 from the branch and try it out to
see if there's no glaring error. I'd like help from as many developers or
users as possible. Let me know if you're interested in helping out for
testing the beta2 release.
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I try to get into maven to build xwiki but I don't find any doc on xwiki.org.
When I checked out xwiki/trunk as a project in eclipse and I enable the maven2
plugin, it starts downloading a bunch of stuff and it complains about 2 items
(see log below). Is that normal? Did I checked out everything I need?
Is everybody using maven2 or ant or something else?
A few pointers would be nice. Thanks.
(I still wonder why it has to download stuff since everything is available in
the svn repository. Actually it would be a good idea to keep the libraries
aside, in another folder, if they have to be re-used in different places but
then why keeping them in the repository as well?)
1/2/07 4:59:04 PM EST: [WARN] Unable to get resource from repository xwiki
1/2/07 4:59:05 PM EST: [WARN] Unable to get resource from repository xwiki
1/2/07 4:59:05 PM EST: Failed to run generate source goals /xwiki -
trunk/wikis/default/pom.xml Missing:
1) com.xpn.xwiki:xwiki-build-xar-handlers:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT
Try downloading the file manually from the project website.
Then, install it using the command:
install:install-file -DgroupId=com.xpn.xwiki -DartifactId=xwiki-build-xar-handlers
-Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file
Path to dependency:
1) com.xpn.xwiki:xwiki-wiki-default:xar:1.0-SNAPSHOT
2) com.xpn.xwiki:xwiki-build-xar-handlers:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT
1 required artifact is missing.
for artifact:
from the specified remote repositories:
central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2),
xwiki (http://maven.xwiki.org)
I think we need to improve the way we update the documentation. Right now I
see several issues are marked as closed even though we haven't documented
them. Typical examples include new macros. They should be documented on
xwiki.org before we close the issue IMO. At the very least if for some good
reason we cannot do it immediately at least a new issue for documenting them
should be created at the same time so that it's not forgotten and so that
it's implemented in the future.
Nobody likes documenting stuff so my belief is that someone who does
something must do it completely, i.e. design, implement, *document* and
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I have renamed a few JIRA components to improve consistency. Namely I've
renamed them so that similar components appear next to each other. For
example "Web Service Plugin" became "Plugin - Web Services", . etc. Removed
"XWiki" in front of some components as 1/ everything is about XWiki and 2/
it wasn't consistent with how other components were named.
I've also added a "Macros & Filters" component requested by Sergiu.
Here's what we have now:
- Actions and URLs (Lead: Ludovic Dubost)
- Admin (Lead: Ludovic Dubost)
- APIs (Lead: Ludovic Dubost)
- Applications (Lead: jeremi Joslin)
- Build (Lead: Vincent Massol)
- Core (Lead: jeremi Joslin)
- Default Wiki (Lead: Ludovic Dubost)
- Documentation & xwiki.org
- Editor - Wiki (Lead: Ludovic Dubost)
- Editor - WYSIWYG (Lead: Phung Hai Nam)
- JSR168 Module (Lead: Ludovic Dubost)
- Macros & Filters
- Other (Lead: Ludovic Dubost)
- Packaging (Lead: jeremi Joslin)
- Plugin - AntiSpam (Lead: Ludovic Dubost)
- Plugin - Other (Lead: Ludovic Dubost)
- Plugin - Web Services (Lead: Ludovic Dubost)
- Plugin API (Lead: Ludovic Dubost)
- Rights Management (Lead: Ludovic Dubost)
- Scripting - Groovy (Lead: Ludovic Dubost)
- Scripting - Velocity (Lead: Ludovic Dubost)
- Storage (Lead: Ludovic Dubost)
- Storage - JCR (Lead: Artem Melentev)
- User Interface
- Web Services (Lead: Arthur Casals)
- Wiki features (Lead: Ludovic Dubost)
I'm not sure what "Packaging" is about. I would be for renaming it to
Import/Export but looking at the issues there I think there are other things
in it, like packaging in the sense of distribution of files. In any case
there seems to be 2 in one there. WDYT?
In the future I think it's a good idea that most of these component match
module names in svn (this is what we have in Cargo, Maven ,etc - ie in
projects using fully maven2's directory structure). There are of course a
few transversal components like Build. Anyway we'll see how it goes.
Let me know if you think it's missing components/etc. We have to be careful
not to have too many too.
Any time you are using Other as the component it means we should have
something else. BTW I haven't done it but it's a good idea to look at what's
currently in Others so see the missing components...
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