The XEclipse 1.0M2 release was supposed to be done on the 8th of
October but since I was on a trip I wasn't able to do it.
We need to replan its release.
Since Fabio has started working on it I'd like to know when we can
release it?
Fabio, would you be interested in being the Release Manager for
XEclipse and in doing the release of XEclipse 1.0M2 (I can explain to
you how to do it)?
I personally have too many releases and I'm being a bottleneck so I
need more volunteers for doing releases of XWiki products/extensions.
Hello devs,
This mail to inform you that yesterday I've branched the scheduler plugin.
The reason for this is I introduced a dependency towards xwiki-core
1.2-SNAPSHOT with this issue : http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XASCH-8.
It's a nice feature to have in XE 1.2 : now when the scheduler makes
operations like scheduling or pausing a job, it saves its status in the
job XObject with as a minor edit. However, I personnally have the need of
a scheduler plugin compliant with xwiki-core 1.1 for a product, and others
that uses the stable branch for products might have that need in the
Now versions of the scheduler are :
* 1.0-SNAPSHOT in xwiki-plugins/branches/xwiki-plugin-scheduler-1.0. This
is to be soon to be released 1.0 version of the plugin
* 1.1-SNAPSHOT in xwiki-plugins/trunk/scheduler and
xwiki-applications/trunk/scheduler : this it to be the 1.1 version,
introducing the UI, on which depends now xwiki-enterprise:1.2-SNAPSHOT
I'll also like to release soon the first version on the scheduler. More on
this in an another mail.
Hi all,
XWiki could use a DateTime plugin for those (me included) that need to
easily manipulate dates from velocity scripts inside xwiki documents. I
can make such a plugin using the JodaTime
(http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/) framework. I'll put it in
i am also trying to add some custom fields to the lucene index, by modifying
the plugin source.
for some reason the method Indexupdater.addToIndex crashes, when it tries to
data.addDataToLuceneDocument (luceneDoc, doc, context);
writer.addDocument (luceneDoc); //crashes here
but maybe when I get it to work, i can add a few words about it in the
Lucene plugin page ? That s something that people might need when they
deploy xwiki (search on certain object fields in a page, thus requiring
another field in the Lucene Index).
Maybe I can write a tutorial on this (metadata search in xwiki), since i
guess it would provide a good example for people who are new to plugins (and
i think the plugin doc is a bit ... sober :-) )
I however dont think i will have time to devote to testing hooks, so i dont
want to write anything on that if i cant test it myself.
Jean-Vivien MAURICE
Elève Ingénieur Informatique et Gestion, Polytech'Montpellier (ISIM)
E-mail : jvivien.m2(a)wanadoo.fr
Tél. : 0046 7 62 33 20 46
Skype : jean.vivien
Hi all,
- I ve recently modified the "Creating plugins" tutorial. Could someone
check and tell me if my modifs are true and relevant as well ?thanks
- I also wonder : when you call a plugin function from velocity, does it run
with admin priviledges, or with current users priviledges ?
I use DWR to access my plugin from Javascript as well, and then it seems
it has only guests priviledge (when i do a context.getlocaluser). Also then
the getUrl() functions crash, as well as the getDisplay...() for an object
in a page.
I would like to have more priviledges when i call my plugin functions
(defined the plugin API class) from Javascript.
No need to say that i will use your feedback to create a page about using
xwiki plugins with dwr.
Thanks a lot !
Jean-Vivien MAURICE
Elève Ingénieur Informatique et Gestion, Polytech'Montpellier (ISIM)
E-mail : jvivien.m2(a)wanadoo.fr
Tél. : 0046 7 62 33 20 46
Skype : jean.vivien
Hi devs,
I want to develop a way to make xwiki retrieve data from rss feeds
or an api and make pages out of them (actually I want it to magically
appear, but don't think that is likely to happen ; ).
I also want to explore getting xwiki to check these feeds for changes
to the entries already imported and adjust (or synchronise) the
imported content when changes are present.
This will be (in most part) replicating the functionality of a
WordPress plugin called feedwordpress:
The data I want to import is from bibsonomy http://www.bibsonomy.org/
who have just released an api, but who have very flexible rss feeds
available through which most of the information I want to import is
made available.
I found a very helpful post on this list which was heading in my
direction, with xml, http get/post and javascript implementations to
get a dynamically generated page in xwiki to be saved as a static page:
I am new to xwiki and wanted to get these ideas checked out before
committing time to implementing them. So I'd appreciate any thoughts,
comments, code, relevant to the above.
with thanks, dajabo
How do i upgrade xwiki without losing data.....
Actually some syntaxes are not working fine with old version like {code} tag ...
Save all your chat conversations. Find them online.
Hi all,
This email is a follow up to my previous one titled "XWiki help desk". I
propose you to vote for the creation of a JIRA project for managing the
issues related to an XWiki help desk product. Note that the tool may be
used for creating an issue tracker at some point. The development will
take place in the XWiki sandbox for now.
Preliminary ideas about the product features and about existing products
are available from [1].
[1] http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Design/HelpDesk
Here's my +1.
Stéphane Laurière
XWiki http://www.xwiki.comhttp://concerto.xwiki.comhttp://nepomuk.semanticdesktop.org
What's the current status on 913, can we expect it reasonably soon?
I have a couple of projects I'd love to use XWiki with, but I really
need 913 first.
Greetings, Lilianne E. Blaze
Thank you for the information and the IndexUpdater sourcecode.
When I tackle the problem which requires using hooks, then I will document
it in the devGuide.
I have other issues at the moment (and they dont want to be solved...).
Jean-Vivien MAURICE
Elève Ingénieur Informatique et Gestion, Polytech'Montpellier (ISIM)
E-mail : jvivien.m2(a)wanadoo.fr
Tél. : 0046 7 62 33 20 46
Skype : jean.vivien