I'd like to attach an image to the current document but the image is
attached to another document. I couldn't find the answer in the FAQ.
It would be great if the {image:} radeox macro allowed for this.
Right now the only solution I'v found (which is a bit ugly) is to use an
HTML <img> tag as in:
<img src="/xwiki/bin/download/XWiki/Toolbar/image.gif" />
Any other solution I would have missed?
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Sometime ago, there was a discussion regarding how should the document
history be stored in a better way.
Right now, the complete history is stored as one field in the xwikidoc
table. From my PoV, this has some major disadvantages:
- loading an older version requires parsing all the history -> memory
- as the documents grow older, loading a document will take a lot of time ->
time inefficiency
- queries on archives cannot return just one version, but they match the
[View More]whole document (somewhere in the history, there was a version containing
"search term")
The blocking issue with storing old version in a different table was, at
that time, the fact that a document archive should contain all information
needed for completely restoring the document, like content, metadata,
I don't think that is actually an issue. We are archiving document versions,
but we're joining all versions in one large string. Why don't we archive the
complete version, but one version per row?
So, the archive table should look like:
- document name
- version number
- language (for translations)
- content
- archived metadata (one field, or the same fields as in xwikidoc)
- archived objects (one field)
- attachment names and versions
It is not like storing the version as a normal document is, with separate
objects and properties, but at least it provides a better storage and
retrieval mechanism, and it separates a bit the parts of a wikidocument -
content, metadata, objects.
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I looked today over the XWikiMessageTool class, and I must say that I'm not
quite satisfied with it.
First, there was XWIKI-919, which I implemented. OK, I understand that files
stored on disk should be charset independent, so only ASCII characters are
supported by the ResourceBundle class (jvm) .But, when I can edit a wiki
document for storing bundles, I expect it to accept all the characters the
wiki supports (in my case, it was an UTF8 instance). I had some troubles
fixing this, since …
[View More]the JavaDoc says that bundles accepts only ASCII
characters, but it understands and parses unicode references ( \u0123 ).
Maybe I did something wrong, but doing content.replaceAll("\u0139",
"\\u0139") resulted in the string u0139 being displayed in the page. So I
had to trick it into believing that the component bytes of the encoding are
ASCII characters and manually restore the multibyte chars.
Second, I don't like the fact that XWIKI-921 was not already implemented.
Third, I don't like the cache refresh mechanism. It retrieves the
XWikiProperties->documentBundles property for each request, and It retrieves
the bundle documents for every request and checks if it must be refreshed or
not. Why isn't the com.xpn.xwiki.notify package used? It allows registering
callback handlers for specific document changes. How I see it:
- at startup, register a handler for XWiki.XWikiPreferences (so that we know
when the documentBundles property might change).
- remember the list of document bundles, don't ask it for each request
- also register handlers for the current bundle documents and load the
strings from these documents
- when XWikiPreferences is changed, if the documentBundle property is also
changed, remove the unused bundles and build the new ones
- when a undle document (or a translation for it) is changed, rebuild the
bundle for that document
This should speedup the code a bit, it makes use of a nice, but mostly
unknown feature, it doesn't log an error for each request when a specified
document is not found in the wiki, and it doesn't require so many variables
(previousDates, docsToRefresh).
Fourth, as I said above, if a document is specified in the documentBundles
property, but it does not exist in the wiki, for each $msg.get call an error
is logged. And there are a lot of calls for each request.
Now, in my opinion this is a nice way to get in the core of XWiki for a
newcomer, so does anybody want to write the changes I mentioned? Also, this
is a good occasion to document the event notification mechanism, in JavaDoc
and on www.xwiki.org
Sergiu Dumitriu
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There are many properties stored in VARCHAR(255) fields, which sometimes
isn't enough. This already causes
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-883 . Changing to variable length
field doesn't have any major side effects, as I know.
As pro arguments:
1. The size of the database will not increase
2. There are already some fields stored as mediumtext and longblob, so it's
not something new in the database
3. The fewer limits there are, the better
4. Issues like XWIKI-883 will be fixed
... and …
[View More]maybe more
Is there something I'm missing that prevents this?
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How can I turn off the "shortcut" URLs where /bin/Space/Page is
interpreted as /bin/view/Space/Page?
(Specifically, I'm using mod_redirect to clean up the URL
architecture and need to assume that anything prefixed /bin that
isn't /bin/view needs to be passed through as an action.)
- - -
Hans Gerwitz
Hello again,
I have developed a method that allows creating a personal rss feed for
the wiki. The user can chose to follow (and un-follow) a page by
clicking on a link in the page. Users can follow the pages they want.
Answers me if you're interested in seeing my method in order to
ameliorate it.
Mathieu Emptoz
CEA Cadarache
XWiki's EFDA Remote Participation Administrator
Hi all.
At the moment I am looking into problems exists with xwikis wysiwyg
editor. For instance, it is not possible to save the result of image
operations in the wiki page.
I have created an jira - http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-906 -
to update tiny_mce to most recent version. But know I need more
informations, where, how, ... tiny_mce is integrated in xwiki. Where
can i find the setup of tiny_mce...
I hope somebody can help me,
We need to start a quick discussion to propose Google Summer of Code
projects for students.
We will apply on March 5th to be part of the Google Summer of Code and
we need a few things by then:
1/ A list of project proposals (with some cool and fun projects)
2/ A list of volunteer mentors (a mentor will have to follow at least
one student during the summer)
Any ideas welcome on this.
Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://www.ludovic.org/blog/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: …
[View More]ldubost GTalk: ldubost
AIM: nvludo Yahoo: ludovic
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Hi everyone,
I think it would be better for the XWiki project to use a org.xwiki
package. There are several reasons for this:
- fits better as XWiki is under OSS/LGPL
- the company name can change, it's less likely the product name will
- I believe if we want to make that change we should do it before the
1.0 release, as it's quite an important change and would break some
advanced usages of XWiki (like plugin creators, extension creators in
general). I think users should be …
[View More]safe though for the vast majority,
unless they're doing funky stuff in their pages.
Here's my +1
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