I would like the xwiki 1.0 release be able to compile/run on Java 1.6.
Many users already use java 1.6.
I see only one problem: XWikiJDBCConnection class.
As I see, info from this class is not used in xwiki core.
Main question: Why xwiki needs XWikiJDBCConnection?
If it is not needed, we can easily remove it by patch
If it is needed, I can rewrite XWikiJDBCConnection using java reflections.
Artem Melentyev, UralSU, CS401
Vincent, you asked me to discuss about this doc in the mailing list.
This doc concentrates on complete setup guide for a newbie user (admin).
Once setup is done, provided the help links for admin & user. I haven't
created any redundant pages. Wherever required, xwiki links are re-used.
Moreover, there are few additional links provided.
This is the TOC of the doc.
1 Document Purpose
2 Prerequisites
2.1 Jdk
2.2 Tomcat Installation
2.3 Mysql
3 Database
3.1 Create Database
4 Xwiki Installation
4.1 Deploy Xwiki
4.2 Default Wiki Xar
4.3 Importing Xwiki Pages (Xar)
5 Xwiki Help
5.1 User's Guide
5.1.1 Video Tutorials
5.1.2 Features
5.2 Admin Guide
5.2.1 Create Groups
5.2.2 Add Users To Group
Refer the attached doc.
I download the latest gelc application from repository and build with ant,get following error(JDK1.5,ANT 1.6.5 on Windows XP sp2):
[gwtcompile] Compiling org.curriki.gwt.Main
[gwtcompile] Output will be written into H:\SoftDeveloping\wiki\xwiki\EclipseSpa
[gwtcompile] Analyzing permutation #1
[gwtcompile] [ERROR] Unexpected internal compiler error
[gwtcompile] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
H:\SoftDeveloping\wiki\xwiki\EclipseSpace\gelc\build.xml:76: Unable to compile G
I can't found documents on build gelc,please help!
We need to organize a bit better the different JIRA projects. Right
now there are:
- XWiki
- XWiki Applications
- XWiki Clients
We need to clean the XWiki Applications and XWiki Clients projects.
For this we need to define a strategy for where to put xwiki plugins,
applications, etc.
Here are some facts:
* A JIRA project has the same versions for all components. This means
one JIRA project per release lifecycle.
And here's my proposal in term of JIRA projects:
* "XWiki":
- We put everything here that is tied to the XWiki Core release
(1.0 RC2, 1.1 B1, etc). Right now there are several plugins that are
still tied to the XWiki release (all the core plugins). So they
should go in there for now. When we'll move out the plugins later on,
we will then move their JIRA issues.
* "XWiki Applications":
- We remove this JIRA project
* "XWiki Default Wiki":
- We create this new JIRA project. Corresponds to xwiki-
- We move all issues from current XWiki JIRA project that have a
"Default Wiki" component to it.
- We define a version scheme for it. I propose to use the same
versions as for XWiki core for now. But in the future it'll be
possible to release the default wiki independently of XWiki Core.
- We create components for the various XWiki applications that we
haven't separated from the xwiki-applications/wikis/default yet (i.e.
all except the Panels which has been moved out)
* "XWiki Panels Application":
- We create this JIRA project. Corresponds to xwiki-applications/
- We define a version scheme for it. I propose to use the same
versions as for XWiki core for now. But in the future it'll be
possible to release the default wiki independently of XWiki Core.
- We release the panels application on the forge instead of just
releasing it as an attachment to http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/
Code/PanelsApplication. We'll continue to reference the download from
that page but it'll point to OW's forge. We ensure it's also
referenced from the main Download page on xwiki.org
* "XWiki Selenium Application":
- We create this JIRA project. Corresponds to xwiki-applications/
- We define a version scheme for it. I propose to start at 0.1 as
it's still early stuff
- Release it as 0.1 on the forge and, as above, modify xwiki.org to
point to it (from the code zone).
* "XWiki <plugin name> Plugin":
- Where <plugin name> is: "Adwords", "Alexa", "Email Notification",
"IP Resolver", "Laszlo", "Task Manager", "Terraserver"
- The strategy is that once a plugin is moved out of the core to
the xwiki-plugins/ dir, we create a JIRA project for it
- We define a version scheme for them. I propose to start at 0.1 as
we haven't released them yet. We shouldn't release any of them until
we've tested it works with the latest version of XWiki Core.
* "XWiki Clients":
- We remove this JIRA project and move all current clients to the
sandbox. Namely they are: "foxwiki", "anyedit", "p2pxwiki", "wiked"
* I'm not entirely sure what to do with these projects in xwiki-
tools: build tools, package and cryptpasswords.
* I think they're too small and not well-defined enough to warrant a
JIRA project each. I'm proposing to create a Tools component in the
main XWiki JIRA project for now to see how they develop in the future.
If you're ok I'm proposing to do the reorganization work.
1) In trunk, it's not possible to save without entering a comment. I
think this should be optional.
2) When clicking on save with no comment there's a dialog box that
pops up that asks for a comment but it's not possible to cancel it
even though there's a cancel button
Thanks to everyone. I got some great ideas for xwiki projects. I will go
back and digest them and pick one that I really like (right now - I like
them all - that's why it's hard to pick just one :-)
Thanks again
Bear Stearns is not responsible for any recommendation, solicitation,
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Well, thank you for the responses on my previous posts.
Another "difficult" question (for me :( )...
Here is the code:
#foreach($obj in $doc.getObjects("Movr.MediaHasPersonClass"))
#set($personObj= $xwiki.getDocument($obj.getProperty('person').value).getObject("Movr.PersonClass"))
##link to person's page
#set($personURL = $xwiki.getURL("$obj.getProperty('person').value"))
<a href="$personURL">$personObj.firstName $personObj.lastName</a>
#else ###inline
##ajax input suggest
<input id="inputSuggest$velocityCount" name="inputSuggest" alt="Suggestions" type="text" />
The question is the following one: I have an Ajax input suggest (which works just fine, it retrieves from the database the information I need), which is suppose to help me add another object of type PersonClass, by selecting from the ones that are already in the database. My class MediaHasPersonClass has a field person, of type DatabaseList, which initially had attached a Hibernate query to retrieve all the persons from the database and display them in a select. Now, I'm using this Ajax suggest so I would like to somehow tell xwiki that the person whom I selected from the suggest is the correspondent object (for instance, if I write $obj.person I get an xwiki rendered input with the name of a person from the database, and if I change the name and save it, the modifications will be kept).
I would like to know how can I do that for my own input.
I hope I explained somehow what I would like to know...
Hello all,
I wrote a post on xwiki-users this morning, because someone told me there is where the questions about "how to" are supposed to go, but nobody answered (and I figured it out by myself, with the help of Sergiu) so I'll try my luck here, as I really need some help.
In a velocity script I receive a request and I take the value with #set($input =$request.get("param")).
My question is, how can I apply string transformations (i.e to lowercase, split the string etc) to this variable($input) in velocity? I looked everywhere but I guess I miss something. Please help!
Thank you,
Evelina Slatineanu
The XWiki development team team is pleased to announce the
availability of the 1.0 RC 4 release.
Go grab it on http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
This release is a bug fix release and is planned to be promoted as
the final 1.0 release next week if no critical bug is found till then.
* Bugs fixed:
o XWIKI-1023 - Probable mistake in strikethrough regular
expression match
o XWIKI-1151 - Wyswiyg editor has problem with lists and
carriage returns
o XWIKI-1152 - Wysiwyg loosing content when copy pasting
and switching to list
o XWIKI-1161 - Exception when manipulating class fields
causes them to "disappear"
o XWIKI-1163 - Remove lines space before and after the
list, table
o XWIKI-1164 - Editor removes line feeds
o XWIKI-1165 - WYSIWYG editor doesn't understand the "-"
notation for lists
o XWIKI-1166 - WYSIWYG editor doesn't understand the
<text> , it's ignored
o XWIKI-1167 - Create 2 lists that separated by a line
space then it merges both lists
o XWIKI-1172 - "Indent" button generates escaped
<bloquote> wiki markup
o XWIKI-1180 - The blockquote is never removed
o XWIKI-1182 - Empty line after list missing
o XWIKI-1183 - URLs entered in wiki markup are displayed
without the protocol part
o XWIKI-1184 - Tooltip for Ordered List is wrong
o XWIKI-1189 - Reduce the amount of space before the level
1 title
o XWIKI-1190 - One empty line at the start of a document
is stripped when rendered and edited again
o XWIKI-1191 - Macromapping of velocity macros when
there's no Velocity macro page defined fail and instead include the
WebHome page of the current space
o XWIKI-1192 - {skype} macro mapping to #skype velocity
macro isn't working
o XWIKI-1197 - exception in rename nonexistent document
o XWIKI-1204 - Incorrect type of code macro when we switch
from wiki => wysiwyg => wiki
* Improvements
o XWIKI-1039 - The albatross skin does not distinguish
disabled form fields
o XWIKI-1109 - XWikiRightServiceImpl.listAllLevels uses an
expensive method for producing the rights list.
o XWIKI-1200 - Hide actions in the menu that don't have a
meaning for a non-existing document
IMPORTANT: XWiki 1.0 RC 2 has fixed an important security issue in
past releases where passwords were stored in clear in the database.
Passwords are now hashed. If you are upgrading from a previous
version, any new user or any password update will automatically get
the password hashed. However existing users who do not change their
passwords will still have their passwords in clear in the database.
Thus, we are providing a tool to automatically hash all passwords
from an existing database.
See the full release notes on http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/
-The XWiki development team
My strongest skills are in java,j2ee,and jms architecture and
development - I am also pretty good at documenting stuff (I used to
write articles for computer magazines explaining some high tech topic) -
followed by DB and infrastructure stuff like machines, OS, networking,
TCP/IP and Internet, etc. etc. (http://www.anilgurnani.com should give a
pretty good idea about me) on the infrastructure front, I can provide
hosting space, subversion, wikis, downloads, mirrors in US - etc. etc.
through my previous venture (http://www.oncr.com)
Doing some documentation may be a good starting point (as I will need to
learn before I can document) - is there any particular type of
documentation that is currently needed?
-----Original Message-----
From: Sergiu Dumitriu [mailto:sergiu.dumitriu@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 9:52 AM
To: xwiki-dev(a)objectweb.org
Subject: Re: [xwiki-dev] xwiki dev ideas
You probably did notice from the mailing lists that we do need
developers (and testers), especially at this point, when XWiki 1.0
should be out in a few days, and when the XWiki 2.0 architecture must
be finalized and implemented. So your help is very appreciated.
"Not hard to implement" differs from person to person. Could you tell
us what are your strong points? Java, databases, html+css, javascript,
velocity, testing, documentation?
On 5/9/07, Gurnani, Anil <agurnani(a)bear.com> wrote:
> Ok so I have been a member of the dev mailing list for over six months
> and I have been playing with the latest releases of xwiki for six
> and now I am itching to contribute :-)
> Anybody has any ideas for some cool (yet not very hard to implement
> cause my understanding of the code is very minimal at this point)
> feature to get my feet wet?
> Anil
Bear Stearns is not responsible for any recommendation, solicitation,
offer or agreement or any information about any transaction, customer
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