Time for the new roadmap definition. Here's a proposal. Note that I've
discussed the points below with all people I've put as leads.
Of course if anyone from the community/committers want to implement
additional stuff you're most welcome :)
* Finish new rendering: Continue Macro rewrite: rss, graph and more. -
Lead: Dan Miron
* Finish new rendering: Add embedded doc support + converter from 1.0
syntax to 2.0 + various leftovers - Lead: Thomas Mortagne
* Office Importer (all types: word, excel, powerpoint, etc). Available
from the WYSIWYG editor too. - Lead: Asiri
* Working JCR/Query Manager - Lead: Artem
* Finish WYSIWYG editor (UI + bug fixes + missing features). - Lead:
* MS Office Plugin - Lead: Florin.
* Start design work on new Application Manager (ability to package in
a XAR: pages, external libraries, skin extensions, resources, macros,
components, etc + ability to list/install/remove/upgrade applications
+ ability to install from a remote repo) - Lead: Thomas Mortagne/Jean-
* Work on usability/navigation/UI improvements (like redesign special
pages: WebHome, AllDocs, Tags, etc, improve navigation with a treeview
panel, autosuggest in search box, etc). We need to define 3-4 items we
want in priority. Lead: Jean-Vincent with Laurent/Guillaume
* Invitation: backporting the invitation work done in XWS to XE. Lead:
* French XE (was supposed to be done for 1.7) - Lead: Jean-Vincent
with Thomas Eveilleau's help
* MediaWiki import - Lead: Vincent with Asiri
* Drag and drop spaces/pages in the AllDocs treeview to reorganize
pages and spaces - Lead: Marius/Anca
* Revamp the xwiki.org web site to focus on XE only (for ex main page
should only list XE with aggregated feature list) so that we show that
we have only one product but various add-ons. Lead: Vincent (note: I
need to make a proposal for this)
* Skin extensions/Interface extension finalization + Template/Skin
cleanup. Lead: Sergiu + Jerome
* Internal refactoring to redesign interfaces and transform them into
components (Model, Actions, URLs, Velocity Bridge, etc). Lead: Vincent
Let me know what you think and if ok I'll put it up on http://enterprise.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Roadmap
If we can do all this XE 1.8 will be a great release, possibly our
greatest :)
Hi devs,
While working on a UI feature that makes use of skin extensions (both
script and style), I was faced with a difficult choice: where to put
these extensions?
The difficulty comes from several factors:
- This is a small feature that doesn't deserve its own application
- Yet, it does not fit in any of the existing applications
- I don't want to put the js and css in Albatross, as it was done until now
- Resource-based extensions are not as flexible as document-based ones,
and I'd still need a .jar module to stick them to.
Since this is just the first in a long series of such small extensions,
leading to a simpler and more modular skin mechanism, I think we should
take a decision.
A while back, when designing Interface eXtensions, I also proposed
Interface Components, which is exactly what I would like to do (as the
packaging, since the code is already structured like a component). See
So, the choices are:
1. Stick to the past and put the code in Albatross, registering it in
platform-web/javascript.vm and stylesheet.vm.
2. Put the files as resource skin extensions inside xwiki-core.
3. Force the documents into an existing application, for example
administration or enterprise-wiki.
4. Create a new application for holding Interface Components.
5. Create a new application for each IC.
Currently, my preference is +1 for 5, with a +0 for 4 and -1 for the
rest. Here's some of my motivations:
1. is dead wrong. This is what we've been doing until now, and we
managed to overwhelm the skin with resources, putting a hard requirement
on Albatross, registering no less than 14 global javascript files, most
of the times unneeded, but hard to remove since nobody knows where and
how they are used. If a bug is found, we need to redeploy the whole skin
and wait for the next XE release, although it only affects one small
part of the wiki. This also ties the platform to the skin. And it is
completely not modular.
2. is dead wrong too. What does the core have to do with CSS??!
3. is slightly better. Since the SX are documents, they should be in an
application. enterprise-wiki used to be the catch-all place to put
documents, but we all decided that it must be split into modular
applications. Plus, this is not XE specific, but it can be used in any
product. administration is not suited either, since this has nothing to
do with the wiki administration. The other existing apps are even less
4. is a good alternative. The problem with only one application is that
it is not modular enough. We must release the whole bunch when only one
component was changed, which leads to numerous releases, or delayed
releases until enough bugs have been found and fixed, which prevents
users from benefiting of already solved bugs. The advantage is that we
don't have to create numerous tiny projects in Jira.
5. is the best alternative when thinking of the future. With a good
Interface Components manager, and a good Application Manager, installing
and upgrading applications will be very easy. This solves the problems
of 4, since each app can be released as soon as its bugs are solved, and
auto-updated on all clients in no time. The problem is that we would
need a lot of tiny Jira projects, each with its own release cycle. This
is not a code problem, but a infrastructure one. In the future we should
drop Jira (which IMO is much too company-oriented than
umbrella-oriented), and replace it with our own infrastructure:
interface.xwiki.org, as a repository of interface components, where each
component has its own space, including our future agile project
management tool.
WDYT? Anything against option 5? If no, we'll need to decide some more
details, as to where to put ICs in the svn repo, where to list them in
the wiki, how to name them, etc.
Sergiu Dumitriu
I'm trying to create wiki users and groups programmatically. The
problem arises in integration of XWiki with a portal solution. The
users log in with the portal, the portal sets a cookie and the xwiki
plugin for authentication picks it up. It checks if the user exists,
if not creates it.
So far so good. I can create a user with code mimicking the user
creation code in XWiki.class. But I still have a problem grasping
permissions. I'd like to add the user to a special group of portal
users, which should be checked and created on the fly if need be. That
group should have all the permissions needed.
However I don't see a way of doing it. The xwiki.org documentation on
the data model did not seem to cover this ground well. Can you give me
some pointers?
I need to create several documents, each one with two tags. After some
research I discovered that a document and their respective tags are
registered in the following tables:
After creating a record in each of these tables the tags are successfully
created but the documents appear on the xwiki with errors and when I click
them I need to create the doument again, duplicating the record in the
database. Am I missing any table do create the document?
Can I use a function from another page? For example, I have a page where I
store some functions and this functions would be called from another pages.
Thanks in advance
Working on annotation feature, I need to retrieve
xwiki document source code from a selection on XHTML.
This requires to have a correspondence between content
typed by user and content that appears in html.
I noticed in xwiki 2.0 synthax that white spaces typed
in a list item context are ignored :
renders in XHTML
<li>foo<space> bar </li>
so I could not determine the real offset of selection in xwiki
document source.
This can be solved by not ignoring spaces so render become :
<li> foo<space> bar </li>
This policy of rendering already exists in underline or italic
context so it's strange to have a different behaviour in list
item context.
Moreover I think we should not suppose what content is
relevant for user or not, so source shouldn't be altered.
Hi everyone,
After discussing with Marius and Anca we'd like to postpone the 1.7.1
release a bit. As a reminder the goal of 1.7.1 is to make the new GWT
editor solid enough to be used day to day instead of the current
tinymce editor.
Thus it needs not to have any major bugs. Since we've discovered a few
important bugs recently we need a few more days.
The new plan is to release XE 1.7.1 for Friday afternoon, hoping that
we don't discover too many new ones. If we do we'll have to postpone
by a few more days once more.
Note to everyone: we need the max number of people to test the latest
snapshot versions of the WYSIWYG editor - here:
Thanks everyone
Some pages of my wiki have some code edited with the wiki editor. This code
works fine but if someone tries to use de WYSIWYG editor it changes the code
and it stops working.
I need WYSIWYG editor to work without changing the pages's code, what can I
thanks in advance
Hi devs,
We have an issue in the XWiki renderer when the XDOM contains a bold
starting with a space at the beginning of a line. For example when we
get an html containing <p><strong> some bold text</strong></p> in
the office importer.
In that case currently we lost the bold when rendering because one or
more stars followed by a space is a list in XWiki syntax.
I see two solutions:
1) Escape the first space in a verbatim block : **{{{<space>}}}some bold text**
2) Move the first spaces before the bold block: <space>**some bold text**
3) Remove all the first spaces of the bold block: **some bold text**
I would prefer 1) because it's the only one which is really the same
thing than the input but I think 2) is better for most users because
it's less disturbing for something which is not really that important.
I listed 3) because it's easier to implement than 2).
Here is my +1 for 2) and +0 for 1) and 3)
Thomas Mortagne
Hi need to create some documents to my xwiki without using the xwiki editor.
So I created some insert's tu create the document.
INSERT INTO XWIKIDOC VALUES (2141806153, 'Histórico.O processo que executa
os eventos não estava a remover os eventos pendentes que não davam origem a
eventos', 'O processo que executa os eventos não estava a remover os eventos
pendentes que não davam origem a eventos', '', '', 'en', 0, '2008-12-16
17:36:50', '2008-12-16 17:36:50', '2008-12-16 17:36:50', 'XWiki.Admin',
'XWiki.Admin', 'XWiki.Admin', 'Histórico', '','1.1', '', '', null, '2', '',
'', '', b'0', 'xwiki/1.0');
INSERT INTO xwikiobjects VALUES (2125339131, 0, 'Histórico.O processo que
executa os eventos não estava a remover os eventos pendentes que não davam
origem a eventos', 'XWiki.TagClass');
INSERT INTO xwikiproperties VALUES (2125339131, 'tags',
INSERT INTO xwikilists VALUES (2125339131, 'tags');
INSERT INTO xwikilistitems VALUES (2125339131, 'tags', 'HS-Histórico', 0);
INSERT INTO xwikilistitems VALUES (2125339131, 'tags', '1.0.3 2008/05/20',
INSERT INTO xwikircs VALUES (2141806153, 1, 1, '2008-12-16 17:36:50', '',
'XWiki.Admin', b'1', '<xwikidoc><web>Histórico</web><name>O processo que
executa os eventos não estava a remover os eventos pendentes que não davam
origem a
processo que executa os eventos não estava a remover os eventos pendentes
que não davam origem a
Histórico.O processo que executa os eventos não estava a remover os eventos
pendentes que não davam origem a
processo que executa os eventos não estava a remover os eventos pendentes
que não davam origem a eventos</content></xwikidoc>');
After this X-Wiki "tells me" that the page does not exist and it shows me
the editor, so I click "Save and view" and the page works fine but I get
duplicated values in my db.
What's wrong with this code?
Thanks in advance.