after evaluating possible frameworks I would propose to use OpenSSO [1] for
my GSOC SSO project.
It has full SAML 2.0 support, but lacks a bit regarding OpenID which isn't
supported by default. There is an extension which allows OpenSSO to act as a
OpenID 1.1 OP, but doesn't have RP support. OpenSSO has a very active and
large community (which maybe is the strongest argument to use it). There are
several requests for better OpenID support so I think that's a hot topic for
them and maybe it's possible to find some other developers with whom I can
add full OpenID 2.0 support.
So now I'll start implementing RP support (authentication). As far as I
understand the code I have to implement a XWikiAuthService analogous to the
XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl, right?
I also have some more questions :-) Let's start with OpenID (I'll start with
1.) I need to modify the login screen because I just need a field where the
user can enter his OpenID URL, no password field. Then the user is redirect
to his OpenID provider. How should/can I implement that?
2.) OpenIDs have to be bound to local user accounts (1:n relations, allow
more OpenIDs per account) - how should this happen? In the admin GUI? Who
should be allowed to do it?
3.) What about user registration? Should it be possible for users to create
accounts without password and just OpenID? Please consider that XWiki should
also be able to act as a provider, i.e. act as an OpenID server.
[1] http://opensso.dev.java.net
Hi GSOCers,
The bonding period is over and today starts your GSOC project period.
Note that this doesn't mean you should drop whatever JIRA issue you
had assigned to yourself. Please continue to work on it and *finish*
it. It's important.
However it means that from today onwards you can start working on your
project. The most important thing to do is send an email on the xwiki
dev list explaining:
* what architecture you're envisioning to use for your project. If you
have doubts/questions please mention them.
* A general planning breaking down the high level tasks you have to do
and giving deadlines for each. That'll help you reach your objectives
and in that manner we (the mentors and the community in general) can
also help you by reviewing milestone objectives and helping you
achieve them
* what are your next steps and when you're planning to have them done
* Any questions you have
Please use the mailing list over IRC and especially over direct skype/
chat. Again it's really important that you work with the community.
The success of your SOC depends on that as much as finishing your
Thanks, good luck and have fun!
-Vincent on behalf of the XWiki mentors
On 17 juin 08, at 14:15, malaka ekanayake wrote:
> Hi fabio
> I tried with both ways but getting the same error.Anyway I'll try
> it again.In my previous mail I have attached my sample plugin.Can
> you look at that one till I fix this issur and commit to the
> sandbox.svn root will be fine.I'll commit to that path.
Hi Malaka,
I've looked at your code and you did a good job!
It works pretty well though there are some things that must be
improved (like the ones you were mentioning)
Before I commit the code, could you please, do a bit of reformatting?
Here at http://svn.xwiki.org/svnroot/xwiki/xwiki-platform/xwiki-tools/trunk/xwiki-v…
you can find the .xml for the Eclipse formatter. This style is the
style used by XWiki.
I saw that that in your code there are some classes that probably are
useless (is the TagRule used?) Could you please remove all the unused
code inorder to avoid confusion?
I also noticed that you incorporated verbatim some code from the
tutorial (the tutorial's author name is in your code)
Be careful when incorporating third party code. You must always check
for licenses and compatibility and authorization!!!
Ideally you should write all the code by yourself, even if when you
use a framework you end up with writing more or less the same code.
Could you check that the tutorial's code can be reused without
Please, keep the conversations on the XWiki devs list so that
everybody can follow it.
Send me a zip with the modifications and I'll commit it to the sandbox.
After that, it's important to address Vincent's parser integration and
spend some time on trying to figure out if and how it can be
integrated in your work. I guess that Vincent's parser should be used
as the partitioner, with it's output definining document's partition.
But this has to be well investigated because it might be not so simple.
Let me know.
Hi fabio
During the weekend I have written a sample plugine for xwiki
highlighting some
of xwiki syntax .Hear are the list of syntaxes which supports it.
Titles ,Bulleted Lists,Text Styles,Info
There are some improvements needed to be done . I am having some trouble
with identifying composite syntax like bold & Italic. I think I will need
your help on that.
At the same time is there any reference to learn the jface API because at
the moment only I have is the article you gave to me. I think I need to
understand it more deeply .So any reference related to JFace Text API will
be nice since :D.
I will commit my work to the sandbox today.
I didn't have time to look in to the Vincent's parser yet. I 'll start it
by today.Meantime is there any news from Venkatesh
--Malaka Ekanayake
On Jun 14, 2008, at 3:10 AM, sdumitriu (SVN) wrote:
> Author: sdumitriu
> Date: 2008-06-14 03:10:55 +0200 (Sat, 14 Jun 2008)
> New Revision: 10325
> Modified:
> xwiki-platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
> Log:
> XWIKI-2117: encoding problems with AJAX adminstration utility
> Fixed by not ignoring the specified character encoding sent by the
> client.
> Modified: xwiki-platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/
> web.xml
> ===================================================================
> --- xwiki-platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/
> web.xml 2008-06-14 00:31:23 UTC (rev 10324)
> +++ xwiki-platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/
> web.xml 2008-06-14 01:10:55 UTC (rev 10325)
> @@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
> <param-name>encoding</param-name>
> <param-value>ISO-8859-1</param-value>
> </init-param>
> + <init-param>
> + <param-name>ignore</param-name>
> + <param-value>false</param-value>
> + </init-param>
Some comments on this init-param would be good I think, especially
since the "ignore" name is pretty cryptic.
I just completed the modifications I mentioned in "Mail Problems"
earlier. Seems to work just fine.
XWiki.sendMessage redirecting to MailSenderPlugin, mail authorization (
= works with any smtp server, local or not), and means to provide
additional Java Mail properties in Admin Prefs.
I just need to test it a bit more and make patches and demo package.
Should be ready in about 12-18 hours tops.
Three things though:
1) I still have no idea what about the subject - it just defaults to
"XWiki Message" in this version.
2) It needed mailsender plugin moved from plugins module to core module
to avoid circulars and other nasties.
3) It still needs some sensible defaults and/or documenation for
validation / confirmation content.
Greetings, Lilianne E. Blaze
On Jun 12, 2008, at 1:50 AM, sdumitriu (SVN) wrote:
> Author: sdumitriu
> Date: 2008-06-12 01:50:00 +0200 (Thu, 12 Jun 2008)
> New Revision: 10268
> Modified:
> xwiki-products/xwiki-enterprise/trunk/distribution-test/selenium-
> tests/src/test/it/com/xpn/xwiki/it/selenium/WikiEditorTest.java
> Log:
> XWIKI-1007: Removing all content in page has no effect & the content
> of a wiki page is not allowed to be completely empty
> Added integration test
> Modified: xwiki-products/xwiki-enterprise/trunk/distribution-test/
> selenium-tests/src/test/it/com/xpn/xwiki/it/selenium/
> WikiEditorTest.java
> ===================================================================
> --- xwiki-products/xwiki-enterprise/trunk/distribution-test/selenium-
> tests/src/test/it/com/xpn/xwiki/it/selenium/WikiEditorTest.java
> 2008-06-11 23:49:28 UTC (rev 10267)
> +++ xwiki-products/xwiki-enterprise/trunk/distribution-test/selenium-
> tests/src/test/it/com/xpn/xwiki/it/selenium/WikiEditorTest.java
> 2008-06-11 23:50:00 UTC (rev 10268)
> @@ -158,4 +158,20 @@
> getFieldValue("content"));
> // TODO: We need to find out how to make a text selection in
> Selenium
> }
> +
> + public void testEmptyContent()
I'd suggest: testEmptyDocumentContentIsAllowed
> + {
> + open("/xwiki/bin/edit/Test/EmptyWikiContent?editor=wiki");
> + setFieldValue("content", "this is some content");
> + clickEditSaveAndView();
> + assertFalse(getSelenium().isAlertPresent());
Why do we test for not having a dialog box present? There's content so
why should that happen? If it's required the test should have some
comments to explain it.
> + assertEquals(-1, getSelenium().getLocation().indexOf("/
> edit/"));
I don't understand this either since we have clicked on save, we're no
longer in edit and the url has view. Why verify this in this test
which is about verifying that empty content is allowed.
> + assertTextPresent("this is some content");
Again why test this. The ability to enter content is already tested in
other tests AFAIK.
> + open("/xwiki/bin/edit/Test/EmptyWikiContent?editor=wiki");
> + setFieldValue("content", "");
> + clickEditSaveAndView();
> + assertFalse(getSelenium().isAlertPresent());
> + assertEquals(-1, getSelenium().getLocation().indexOf("/
> edit/"));
> + assertTextNotPresent("this is some content");
Is there a need to do the 3 tests which seem to be about the same
Good day, community
Yet one question: I want to retrieve xwiki page without header and footes via
javascript, to save in dom-node.
Now I search a principal way how to do this. I see two possible ways:
A -- write special 'zero' skin
// unfortunelly, I see that documentation on skins is outdated: in
installation of svn version I see that velocity templates are situated outside
B -- try to use xwiki XML/RPC interface. (or may be add JSON-ORB as servlet)
So, questions:
- what approach (from this two) is prefferrable ?
- where is documentation on xwiki XML/RPC interface ? Or some example of
usage ? Are anybody tried to use XML/RPC interface from javascript. ?
- may be still possible to reload (returning to first approach) view.vm
template in skin. If yes - how ?
P.S. (More detailed explanation what I want on code level:
i. e. I want to write in xwiki page something like:
function update()
new Ajax.Reaqest('/xwiki.home/bin/view/My.Page', 'post'
parameters {
A: $('form.A').value,
B: $('form.B').value,
skin: 'zero'
onSuccess: function(transport) {
<input name='A' id='form.A' >
<input name='B' id='form.B' >
<button name='DO' onClick="update();" >
<div id="result"> </div>
Ruslan Shevchenko
GradSoft. http://www.gradsoft.ua