Hi devs,
As you know in XE 3.0 we've changed the behavior for resolving local links/attachments when they're included using the {{include}} macro (they're now resolved against the included document instead of the including document).
Now there might be some use cases (pretty rare IMO but they exist) where you'd want the links to be resolved against the including document. Here's a use case: you have a sheet document that references an image called image.png and you want that the including document provides it (like an Abstract in Java! ;)).
So we've brainstormed with Thomas and here's our proposal:
* Introduce a new {{display reference="…"/}} macro. This macro will *execute* the passed reference in its own context (it'll do what {{include context="new"…}} was doing before). It'll be located in the new display module.
* Deprecate the "context" parameter of the {{include}} macro. The reason is that calling with context=new is not an include, it's a display.
* Add a new "resolve" parameter for the {{include}} macro with possible values = "current" | "source", with a default value of "source". resolve=source means that the links/attachments are resolved against the source (ie the document being included). Using resolve=current means that you want the links/attachments resolved against the including document.
* Clearly separate the 2 use cases: display and include
* Make the include macro simple (a single "resolve" parameter)
* Use the new display module as it should be and start the direction of having displayer macros for displaying all types of entities
Note: In the future we'll also want to deprecate the "document" parameter of the include macro in favor of a more generic "reference" parameter, which will allow the macro to include other types of entities (such as an object property for ex).
Here's my +1
Hi devs and everyone,
Here's a proposal for the XE 3.4 roadmap.
The idea is to have a short release focused on stabilization and polishing exclusively. This is meant to be the first of 2 stabilization releases (with XE 3.5). Reminder: XE 3.5 is the last release of the 3.x cycle and after it's released we'll start the 4.x cycle.
3.4M1: 19 December
3.4RC1: 26 December
3.4Final: 5 January (not putting 2 january since it's just after new eve and people might be a bit tired and not in the mood of releasing ;))
Plan for 3.5:
3.5RC1: 23 January
3.5Final: 30 January
Must have:
* Finish UI for extension manager - Sergiu
- more polishing (js, etc)
- support for XAR merges and conflicts
- whatever is missing (I'm not sure about its exact status - Sergiu, could you give us a precise status of what's missing?)
* Fix bugs and continue improving Extension Manager backend and the XWiki Repository application (XR) - Thomas
- Thomas, can you list important stuff to do here?
* Finish App with Minutes - Marius
- Polishing
- New auto title/page name feature
- Maris, can you list other things that we need to finish in 3.4?
* LDAP Admin UI - Jerome
Nice to have:
* LDAP group sync need to test group membership before adding user to group XWIKI-7063 Unassigned
* Page creation date should be the date of the installation XWIKI-7058 Unassigned
* Accessing a store that is not migrated to the lastest data version should not be allowed XWIKI-7006 Denis Gervalle
* Reduce the likelihood of having same (hibernate) document id for different documents XWIKI-6990 Denis Gervalle
* When using filesystem attachments with attachment versioning disabled, deleted attachments are duplicated on the hard disk. XWIKI-6951 CalebJamesDeLisle
* Deleted attachments duplication in recycle bin while File Storage is on XWIKI-6917 CalebJamesDeLisle
* Renaming a page should also rename the title of it XWIKI-6743 Unassigned
* Be able to rename a space from the UI XWIKI-6722 Unassigned
* Be able to delete a space from the UI XWIKI-6687 Marius Dumitru Florea
* Use a predefined Space Template like Dashboard, Livetable when creating a new space XWIKI-6684 Unassigned
* Problems displaying the correct attachment version when using a proxy XWIKI-6569 Unassigned
* Performance of blog category panel is still not enough XWIKI-6363 Unassigned
* Change stylesheet and javascript extension filename when a modification is done on those XWIKI-6073 Unassigned
* Auto-create Space.WebHome when creating a page in an underfined space XWIKI-5399 Unassigned
Front end:
* Add more/all configuration parameters in the wiki administration XWIKI-7066 Unassigned
* Unable to add users to a group on IE9 XWIKI-7061 Unassigned
* When editing a User Profile category, after saving the changes, preserve the category tab XWIKI-7059 Unassigned
* Strange behaviour when pressing back and forward on a page that has 2 WYSIWYG editors displayed XWIKI-7028 Marius Dumitru Florea
* Log-in automatically on registration XWIKI-6892 Unassigned
* Tree from document index does not expand on IE9 XWIKI-6752 Marius Dumitru Florea
* Have an auto-complete for the User and Group visibility inputs for the Message Stream XWIKI-6728 Unassigned
* Limit dragable width of textareas in FF4 and Chrome XWIKI-6304 Unassigned
* WebSearch should only display spaces with view right XWIKI-6227 Unassigned
* Auto-suggest doesn't work for global users XWIKI-6207 Unassigned
* New floating action menu hides titles in the content of the page when jumping to an anchor XWIKI-6018 Unassigned
* Activity Stream doesn't show Image Profile change XWIKI-5930 Unassigned
* Cannot filter using "/" on a Date column in the livetable XWIKI-5889 Unassigned
* Better placement of the documentation link XE-1031 Unassigned
* Cannot access the object editor for documents with XWikiRights objects on wikis with many users XE-1015 Unassigned
* New XWiki Syntax Guide XE-880 Unassigned
* Occasionally the livetable fails to load on index pages XE-844 Unassigned
* Add option to 'show more entries' on displaying the Activity Stream XE-748 Unassigned
Please review the items where your name is indicated to make sure you're planning to implement them!
Of course if there are some other items that you're planning to do, make sure to add them to the list.
Hello devs,
As some of you may know, I recently took on the challenge of developing a
mobile compatible version of XWiki Enterprise. The objective of this
development is to come up with an optimized solution for smartphone and
tablet users, both from a technological point of view (using HTML5, CSS3
and perhaps mobile oriented JS libraries) and from a contextual perspective
(when do mobile users use a wiki and most especially how they interact with
The targeted platforms that I plan to support, since I'm only one guy with
limited time, are post Android 2.2 and post iOs 4.x platforms. The first
release is planned for the end of January 2012.
Because simply applying media queries to an existing desktop site won't
completely optimize a mobile experience, I thought of building one from the
ground up - this would imply a complete overhaul coupled with
server/front-side adaptation (what Facebook, Google and most top internet
brands are doing)
Some of the key aspects that I plan to focus on are: functionality and user
experience (establish what needs mobile users have in a wiki context),
performance, future-proofness (easily adaptable for the ever-changing
market of mobile devices, particularly in terms of screen size, resolution
and browser changes), flexibility (easiness of adapting the skin to a
clients' needs)
I am considering using an adapted version of mobile boilerplate, which is a
very popular baseline template being used by a lot of individuals who are
developing a mobile web app (http://html5boilerplate.com/mobile), and build
on top of it a new yet familiar user-experience, adapted to mobile context.
In terms of functionality, my take is that the primary function of a user
who is navigating a wiki is either looking for information (content) or
trying to edit information. Administration or using the wiki to build
structured applications falls under the use cases that the user won't be
interested in doing. Thus, in the proposed attached mockups there's no
schema for an Administration area or editing a document in object/class
The advantage of starting from scratch will allow me to strip everything
that's unnecessary from the .vm files thus increasing performance; one
example would be reducing requests => saving bandwidth.
Following a discussion with our designers, Caty and Max, we came up with a
couple of mockups that I believe can stand as the foundation for this
mobile experience. Please find them here:
http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Improvements/MobileSkinv3 or
here in a higher quality: http://db.tt/8vX9OcBZ
Another approach, for which I also gave a lot of thought, is to make an
existing skin work passably well on a range of mobile devices by using
media-queries and adjusting a great deal of .vm's. This will offer an
"responsive design" experience, similar to the examples that can be found
here: http://mediaqueri.es/
This approach has a lot of advocates and has gained quite an enthusiasm
lately (there's even a book written on the topic:
http://www.abookapart.com/products/responsive-web-design). Note that one
particularity of the websites is that most of them have been built with a
"mobile first" (http://www.lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?933) approach in mind,
not having to adapt an existing desktop website. Secondly, these are mainly
presentation websites, far from the scope of our product.
However, I've been pondering about this alternative a lot recently, and I
am thinking about going back to the drawing board and make an analysis of
what exactly would take to develop the mobile skin this way and also have a
thorough look at the code to see if the current markup can be easily
adjusted to offer a responsive experience. My mainly concern is that
instead of coming up with something clean, things will become instead
messier, probably having to be forced to adopt varios unorthodox techniques
or bad practices in the mobile web, such as using extra JS code to move
markup around.
I am gladly accepting any kind of input on this.
Thank you,
Hi All,
It's exciting to hear release xwiki enterprise 3.3 milestone 2, but I
can't download the xar from the download page, seems the xar file is not
push to the download server, can you help to check it? I would like to
test it. Thanks for your hard work.
Not Found
The requested URL /xwiki/xwiki-enterprise-wiki-3.3-milestone-2.xar was
not found on this server.
Please be free to contact with me for any question or suggestion.
Thanks& Best Regards .
Young Gu
Software Engineer
Hi devs,
We're having a hard time stabilizing XE 3.3 and here's the list of outstanding issues that we need fixed before we can release 3.3 final:
1. Fix the issues we have when upgrading xwiki.org to 3.3. It seems it's a memory leak somewhere.
2. Make it work on Oracle. Several users have complained that it's not working fine on Oracle.
3. We need to have the Extension Manager working and for that we need the Extension Repository working on extensions.xwiki.org and for that we need 1 fixed.
4. Ensure the new XEM works fine. Sorin has had issues using it in the past 2 days so we need to ensure it's ready and real easy to use.
5. Fix failing tests in our test suite: http://ci.xwiki.org/
We need all devs to stop working on new stuff and to focus on helping fix those issues for the final.
We should not do any more commits that are not bug fixes on master too.
I'm working on point 1 today (anyone who wants to help is welcome too of course).
Who can work on the other points?
Hi devs,
In conjunction with the XEM refactoring in the Workspaces direction [1],
I`d like your vote on whether or not to use by default path-based subwiki
access rather than subdomain-based subwiki access.
The reason is that some people might not want to handle subdomain
configuration just to have a peek at XEM. They will only need to take care
of the database setup which will be the only installation step.
Here's my +1.
[1] http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XEM-202
Hi devs,
I just committed a first version of the AppWithinMinutes wizard. If
you want to try it then download the latest XE 3.3 snapshot and visit
AppWithinMinutes.CreateApplication page.
Waiting for feedback,
while trying to import Word document (non trivial) I'm hitting an issue
where underlaying PostgreSQL complains about value too long to be
stored. The message (cut from the console) looks as:
SQL next exception = [org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: value
too long for type character varying(200000)]]
Actual exception looks like:
XWD_COMMENT='Created by office importer.', XWD_MINOREDIT='0',
XWD_SYNTAX_ID='xwiki/2.0', XWD_HIDDEN='0' where XWD_ID='-408553786' was
aborted. Call getNextException to see the cause.
org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.executeBatch(AbstractBatcher.java:246) ~[hibernate-3.2.6.ga.jar:3.2.6.ga]
... 137 common frames omitted
this is XWiki 3.1 enterprise with few our custom patches but they are
not related to the storage nor import functionality, so I guess we've
not broken this ourself.
Do you have any idea how to workaround this issue or even how to
properly fix it?
Thanks a lot!
Hi all
It's a following of the recent discussion on this list :)
I have provided the basis for a java backed {{panel}} macro implementation.
The source code is currently hosted on my github account, but I would like
to move it under xwiki-contrib.
See https://github.com/sauthieg/xwiki-panel-macro
I've inited an extension page for this macro on the extension wiki:
BTW, what is the type for a Java Macro ? Macro type seems to be restricted
to Velocity ...
Any interest ?
The component writing tutorial seems outdated at
The dependencies seems to not exist anymore
<!-- Testing dependencies -->
Should the first one be:
Ludovic Dubost
Founder and CEO
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost