Hi devs,
This is a thread to discuss what kind of title behavior we want in the future. I've listed some topics I consider open below. Could you give me your opinion about them?
1) Should we force titles to be mandatory by default
2) Should we merge page names and titles in the UI (ie only expose titles and compute page names based on it)
3) Do we want titles to be generated from content if the title is empty or not. If 1) is agreed then there'll always be a title set so this is probably not needed
4) Should we allow wiki syntax in the title field and make that field a textarea rather than a single line string (to allow scripts to generate titles, this is useful for applications for example). Note that currently the title field can only contain velocity and no wiki syntax AFAIK.
Any other topic to discuss related to titles?
Hi devs,
I'd like to suggest we use {{dashboard style="colortheme"/}} by default on the main dashboard for the following reasons:
1) the default style has a heading size issue and it's hard for the dashboard to guess the correct size in all situations
2) it clearly shows it's a dashboard
Hi devs,
I did not had much time to work on Extension Manager lately so you did
not seen much new things.
I'm concentrating again on it and here is what you can expect for 3.0M3:
* multiwiki support: it means that you can install an extension on
specific wiki(s) (even jar extensions)
* xar handler: the possibility to install/upgrade/uninstall a xar. It
will be only a first version here since it's a very big work.
** will contains:
*** import a xar into the wiki
*** the xar can have infinite number of pages and attachments,
it's just limited by the size of each attachment right now until the
storage API support fully streamed attachments
*** very limited upgrade: import add a new version to make sure to
not loose anything, there is no real merging handling
*** still experimental (not stable) API
*** still demo-like UI
I'm pretty much done with multiwiki support and import and currently
writing tests for it. Then I will add new feature in the UI.
The next step will be to concentrate on xar merging for framework side
and start sealing a bit more the API. Some work on the UI will
probably be done at the same time too.
Thomas Mortagne
Hi devs and everyone,
Emilie has proposed the following content to be added to the Download page (http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download):
The idea is twofold:
1) to get feedback about what people think about our software.
2) some people who download the XWiki software from xwiki.org don't know that XWiki SAS has a commercial offerings and could be interested by it
The pros for the community are:
1) XWiki SAS will publish back the result of the feedback it receives from the download form which will allow us to fine tune and improve the software
2) XWiki SAS could get more business (from people who want to buy support, dev work, hosting, etc) which will mean accrued budget for paying developers and resources to work on the XWiki project
Note 1: the form would be of course optional
Note 2: in the future I'd like to see a not for profit foundation to handle xwiki.org, the xwiki open source project, donations, etc. When this happens we could elect from member for the foundation and have the feedback form sent to that foundation for example, with members of the foundation having access to the data (for example).
-Vincent Massol, acting as both CTO of XWiki SAS and XWiki open source developer
Hi devs,
The XE 3.0M3 release was planned for today but I'd like to postpone it
to Wednesday, March 2, because there are many selenium tests failing,
and, at least for the WYSIWYG editor, fixing them is not easy. I propose
to keep the dates for the 3.0 RC and final unchanged:
3.0RC1: 14th of March
3.0 Final: 28th of March
Here's my +1
Hi devs,
The new XWiki Rendering top level project depends on Platform and Platform depends on it, we thus have a circular dependency issue when releasing.
We had a discussion with Thomas and Caleb on IRC this morning and we're proposing the following:
* Create a XWiki Commons top level project
* Goal: generic modules independent of xwiki, ie they could be reused on any other project not related to wikis at all
* When: before XWiki Platform 3.0M3 release. Need 2-3 days I think.
* Who: I can do the work (would be great to get some help though)
* Wiki: http://commons.xwiki.org
* svn: http://svn.xwiki.org/svnroot/xwiki/commons
* Versioning strategy: start at 3.0-SNAPSHOT, release 3.0 final before platform 3.0 final, give it its own version life thereafter (3.1, 3.2, etc)
* Groupid: org.xwiki.commons
* Artifact id: xwiki-commons-* (instead of xwiki-core-*)
* The following modules will be moved now:
- xwiki-xml (the script service will stay in platform)
- xwiki-component-api
- xwiki-component-default
- xwiki-component-observation
- xwiki-configuration-api
- xwiki-container-api (need to remove dep on xwiki-url for now)
- xwiki-context
- xwiki-observation-*
- xwiki-properties
- xwiki-cache-*
- xwiki-velocity (script service needs to stay in platform, dependency on container-servlet needs to be removed or stay in platform/
- xwiki-management
* The following will be moved at a later time:
- xwiki-component-multi (keep the wiki/user/space impls in platform but move the rest)
- xwiki-configuration-default (default impl for properties only should be moved)
- xwiki-classloader (when we separate the part that is related to xwiki)
- xwiki-action (not ready to be moved)
- xwiki-url-* (after we introduce xwiki-resources, right now depends on xwiki-model)
* Please correct me if I've forgotten some modules or forgotten dependencies I haven't seen. The idea is that we should move at the very minimum right now all dependencies used by XWiki Rendering.
Here's my +1
Hi devs,
I'd like to give a public kudo to Sergiu for being so active and fixing so many varied bugs in the platform.
I don't have stats at hand but I'm impressed by how much Sergiu is fixing and his breadth of knowledge of the platform.
Well done Sergiu!
Hello fellow developers,
what is the best way to listen to login events?
Is there a notification of some sort?
For any session creation or destruction?
thanks in advance