I am Supreet and I would like to participate in GSoC-2011. I am mainly
interested in contributing to the project idea "Mobile Skin for XWiki
Enterprise". I have been working on web development for the past two years
and developed a couple of websites. I have a good knowledge of HTML,XHTML
and CSS , I also know PHP and am learning Javascript. If someone could help
me regarding this , I would be really thankful.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Grant Ingersoll <gsingers(a)apache.org>
> Date: March 31, 2011 8:46:04 PM GMT+02:00
> To: announce(a)apache.org, java-user(a)lucene.apache.org, general list <general(a)lucene.apache.org>, dev(a)lucene.apache.org
> Subject: Apache Lucene 3.1.0
> March 2011, Apache Lucene 3.1 available
> The Lucene PMC is pleased to announce the release of Apache Lucene 3.1.
> This release contains numerous bug fixes, optimizations, and
> improvements, some of which are highlighted below. The release
> is available for immediate download at http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/lucene/java (see note below).
> See the CHANGES.txt
> file included with the release for a full list of details.
> Lucene 3.1 Release Highlights
> * Numerous performance improvements: faster exact PhraseQuery; merging
> favors segments with deletions; primary key lookup is faster;
> IndexWriter.addIndexes(Directory[]) uses file copy instead of
> merging; various Directory performance improvements; compound file
> is dynamically turned off for large segments; fully deleted segments
> are dropped on commit; faster snowball analyzers (in contrib);
> ConcurrentMergeScheduler is more careful about setting priority of
> merge threads.
> * ReusableAnalyzerBase makes it easier to reuse TokenStreams
> correctly.
> * Improved Analysis capabilities: Improved Unicode support, including
> Unicode 4, more friendly term handling (CharTermAttribute), easier
> object reuse and better support for protected words in lossy token
> filters (e.g. stemmers).
> * ConstantScoreQuery now allows directly wrapping a Query.
> * IndexWriter is now configured with a new separate builder API,
> IndexWriterConfig. You can now control IndexWriter's previously
> fixed internal thread limit by calling setMaxThreadStates.
> * IndexWriter.getReader is replaced by IndexReader.open(IndexWriter).
> In addition you can now specify whether deletes should be resolved
> when you open an NRT reader.
> * MultiSearcher is deprecated; ParallelMultiSearcher has been
> absorbed directly into IndexSearcher.
> * On 64bit Windows and Solaris JVMs, MMapDirectory is now the
> default implementation (returned by FSDirectory.open).
> MMapDirectory also enables unmapping if the JVM supports it.
> * New TotalHitCountCollector just counts total number of hits.
> * ReaderFinishedListener API enables external caches to evict entries
> once a segment is finished.
> Note: The Apache Software Foundation uses an extensive mirroring network for distributing releases. It is possible that the mirror you are using may not have replicated the release yet. If that is the case, please try another mirror. This also goes for Maven access.
> --------------------------
> Grant Ingersoll
> Lucene Revolution -- Lucene and Solr User Conference
> May 25-26 in San Francisco
> www.lucenerevolution.org
fyi. At some point we'll need to use some search fwk that sits on top of Lucene.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Grant Ingersoll <gsingers(a)apache.org>
> Date: March 31, 2011 8:45:18 PM GMT+02:00
> To: announce(a)apache.org, dev(a)lucene.apache.org, solr-user(a)lucene.apache.org, general list <general(a)lucene.apache.org>
> Subject: Apache Solr 3.1.0
> March 2011, Apache Solr 3.1 available
> The Lucene PMC is pleased to announce the release of Apache Solr 3.1.
> This release contains numerous bug fixes, optimizations, and
> improvements, some of which are highlighted below. The release is
> available for immediate download at http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/lucene/solr (see note below).
> See the CHANGES.txt file included with the release for a full list of
> details as well as instructions on upgrading.
> What's in a Version?
> The version number for Solr 3.1 was chosen to reflect the merge of
> development with Lucene, which is currently also on 3.1. Going
> forward, we expect the Solr version to be the same as the Lucene
> version. Solr 3.1 contains Lucene 3.1 and is the release after Solr 1.4.1.
> Solr 3.1 Release Highlights
> * Numeric range facets (similar to date faceting).
> * New spatial search, including spatial filtering, boosting and sorting capabilities.
> * Example Velocity driven search UI at http://localhost:8983/solr/browse
> * A new termvector-based highlighter
> * Extend dismax (edismax) query parser which addresses some
> missing features in the dismax query parser along with some
> extensions.
> * Several more components now support distributed mode:
> TermsComponent, SpellCheckComponent.
> * A new Auto Suggest component.
> * Ability to sort by functions.
> * JSON document indexing
> * CSV response format
> * Apache UIMA integration for metadata extraction
> * Leverages Lucene 3.1 and it's inherent optimizations and bug fixes
> as well as new analysis capabilities.
> * Numerous improvements, bug fixes, and optimizations.
> Note: The Apache Software Foundation uses an extensive mirroring network for distributing releases. It is possible that the mirror you are using may not have replicated the release yet. If that is the case, please try another mirror. This also goes for Maven access.
Hi devs,
I'd like to propose to deprecate the "value" and "hints" fields of @Component and instead use the @Named annotation (and @Qualifier annotations later on).
The rationale is to align with JSR330's @Named annotation at injection points and also to start going in the direction of CDI (JSR299) since CDI uses @Named for beans too.
Example before:
public class MyComponent...
public class MyComponent
Here's my +1
Hi devs,
It's time for the roadmap planning again. After a first round of offline discussions with several committers here's a proposal for XE 3.1.
Please correct or add other things if I've missed anything.
Must have
- Extension Manager: Thomas and UI person (Jerome) (Cati needed for additional mockups). Thomas to define more precisely the list of features he'd like to implement for XE 3.1
- Performance Improvements: Marius, maybe Caleb if available. Marius needs to prepare an action plan ASAP since "perf improvements" in general is too vague. Caleb, you mentioned you'd be ok to implement support for marge number of XObjects if you have the time, right?
- New backend implementation of Rights: Sergiu. Requires proposals/discussions since it's large and complex beast.
- "Application Within Minutes": continue investigation (Ludovic), committers to review the Design page and since it's a large feature we need to break it down into individual tasks and start implementing some of them in 3.1. Sergiu volunteered for implementing some of them. Ludovic volunteered to do the breakdown.
- Search improvements and especially scoring, French support and wildcard issues: Sergiu
- Friends and Status polishing: Sergiu, but not clear what needs to be done except "Privacy" which is needed
- Dashboard/Gadgets polishing: Anca (Anca could you detail what you'd like to implement?)
- Stabilization of the new Filesystem storage implementation for attachments (bugfixing, performance, etc): Caleb
Nice to have
- Statistics polishing: ?
- XE/XEM Home Page investigation and mockups: Ludovic & Caty
- XEM Workspaces investigation/review: ?
- More modules moved out of xwiki-core. Candidates: xwiki-url, xwiki-action, xwiki-localization, new xwiki-resources: Vincent to work on this
Proposed Dates
- XE 3.1M1: 25 april
- XE 3.1M2: 16 May
- XE 3.1RC1: 30 May
- XE 3.1 final: 13 June
That's about 2.5 months. Note that at this rate we won't have time to reach XE 3.7 by the end of the year (end of the cycle). So we'll need to decide at some point if:
a) we consider that a cycle is less major releases (say 5 only if we keep 2.5 months/release)
b) we consider that a cycle spans a year (time-based) and it doesn't matter if we're at 3.5 or 3.11 at the end of the year, we consider the last release of the year to be the end of the cycle
c) we consider that 2.5 months is too long for release cycles and we reduce it. To have 7 releases we need to reduce to 1.5 months per release roughly (that could be 2 weeks for M1, 2 weeks for M2, 1 week for RC1, 1 week for final).
My preference goes to b) right now and when we'll have moved more stuff out of the old xwiki-core into new modules, it'll be easier to have tests committed when code is committed and thus we'll be able to move to c) IMO.
Hi devs,
I'm thinking since a long time that the wiki really lack some
automatic mail notification and here are some very simple ones that
would improve wiki contributor life I think (I would love to have
theses on xwiki.org for example.):
1) Automatically add a page to your watchlist when you modify it
a) all the time
b) only for major modification (not tagged as minor edit)
c) only when you create a new page
+ Possible to disable it in the profile and you can easily remove the
page from your watchlist.
+ Disable it for all users needed ?
2) Automatically send you a mail
a) when there is any comment in a page where you have yourself a comment
b) only when someone answer recursively to one of your comments
+ Possible to disable it in your profile
+ Disable it for all user needed ?
Here is my +1 for 1b and 2b as default.
Thomas Mortagne
The registration page currently has message which doesn't reflect the default settings for XE.
"Welcome to the registration form. This will allow you to edit pages, once the admin gives you
appropriate rights."
"Welcome to the registration form." is (IMO) redundant, most people are not excited to be at a
registration form and it doesn't convey any real information.
"This will allow you to edit pages, once the admin gives you appropriate rights." does not reflect
the default settings with XE. This message can be changed from the administration interface as can
the settings so IMO the default message should reflect the default settings.
I propose:
"Sign up here so you can edit pages and participate in the wiki."
Short, to the point, and doesn't dwell on the act of registration which is really only a means to an
HI All
Im Interested in this App Engine prototype Project can i get some more
information on how this should be implemented. i'm familiar with the Google
App Engine so find this project interesting. would be great if someone
could point me in the right direction. is this going to be implented using
thanks in advance.
Pulasthi Supun
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise and XWiki Enterprise Manager 3.0.
Go grab them at http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
This is the first release of the 3.x cycle. Conforming to the general
themes of the 3.x cycle, a lot of features have been polished and
improved, and a few new features have been introduced as well. The
highlights of this release are:
* Twitter-like messaging and networking inside the wiki,
* a new filesystem storage for attachments which allows huge attachments
to be uploaded without requiring a lot of memory or database storage,
* improved dashboard editing,
* better cross-browser support and improved functionality for the
WYSIWYG editor,
* a revamped UI for administration, improved office presentation import
with a new gallery macro,
* live suggestions for the search input,
* a new UI for changing user avatars.
On the developers' front, we've made it easier to reuse the XWiki
rendering engine outside our own codebase, by extracting two new top
level projects:
* XWiki Commons, holding generic modules not tied to the rest of the
* XWiki Rendering, holding all the XWiki-independent modules of the
rendering engine.
We've setup a Jira dashboard (
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10550 ) to
present the work done for the whole 3.0 release. In summary, 510 issues
have been closed by 14 committers (and other contributors providing
patches), out of which 236 are fixed bugs.
For more information, see the full release notes for XWiki Enterprise
3.0 (
) and XWiki Enterprise Manager 3.0 (
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/ReleaseNotes/ReleaseNotesXEM30 ).
-The XWiki dev team