Hi devs,
I've been brainstorming with Jean-Vincent about how to implement hiding technical content for 4.0. Here's what we would like to do:
Note: This is related to the proposal I made earlier: http://markmail.org/thread/jupn22fdk4nnqj6p
In summary:
* Add a RoleVisibilityClass XObject to documents and spaces (in WebPreferences for Spaces) which is a list of Roles (simple or advanced users for now) deciding which role should be allowed to view a given document in result sets.
* Either modify XWikiHibernateStore or introduce a new FilteredHibernateStore store which would delegate to XWikiHibernateStore (same mechanism as the cache store) to add the JOIN to check the visibility and only return visible documents for the current user
* Remove the notion of hidden documents and have a migrator to remove the column in xwikidocs
* Modify the Lucene plugin to add a VISIBILITY field and return filtered results based on the visibility and the current user role
* Note1: After much brainstorming we think that the notion of "application" could be implemented either with an Application XObject that tie the document to an application or with an Application Descriptor.
* Note2: We'll need to decide at some point if we want more roles than just "simple user" and "advanced user" and if we need "developer" and "admin" too.
* Notes1 and 2 are currently out of scope for this proposal
However we're wondering how much performance we will loose with this implementation using XObjects (due to the extra JOIN).
Do you think it's acceptable?
Could it be improved with custom mapping? (I think not)
Should we implement this without XObjects and instead modify XWikiDocuments and add a new column in xwikidocs?
As suggested by Marius and Ecaterina, i have downloaded the
XWiki-enterprise JAR file to install it and play around with it a little. A
have also cloned the git repo and installed maven in an attempt to build
from source. However, when i run mvn install in the source folder i get the
following error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(default) on project xwiki-enterprise-database-hsqldb: Execution default of
failed: Plugin
org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-tool-packager-plugin:4.0-SNAPSHOT or one
of its dependencies could not be resolved: The following artifacts could
not be resolved: org.opensymphony.quartz:quartz:jar:1.6.5,
org.suigeneris:jrcs.diff:jar:0.4.2, org.suigeneris:jrcs.rcs:jar:0.4.2,
com.google:googleapi:jar:xwiki:UNKNOWN, info.informatica:css4j:jar:0.13,
info.informatica:jclf:jar:2.3.0, jtidy:jtidy:jar:8.0-20060801.131059-3-dev,
org.restlet.jse:org.restlet.ext.jaxrs:jar:2.0.11: Could not find artifact
org.opensymphony.quartz:quartz:jar:1.6.5 in central (
http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2) -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf :xwiki-enterprise-database-hsqldb
Am i doing something wrong? Perhaps i have missed out a step in the build
instructions on the wiki you linked to? Any help would be much appreciated.
Craig Innes
Hi I would like to submit one idea for the GSoC this year.
I have lots of experience on front end web development and I see that your
generated HTML is somewhat messy. I can help with that.
One of your ideas is Any Integration with one or more Major Open
Source Tool<http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/GoogleSummerOfCode/AnyIntegrationwithaM…>'
and my idea is to implement bootstraps on your code
twitter.github.com/bootstrap/ which is a library of styles and presentation.
Most web companies can't allow themselves a web designer AND a web
developer so they use bootstraps as a way to solve both conflicts.
Other idea is to integrate lesscss.
What do you think?
Thanks for reading.
Hi devs,
As you know from the previous discussion [1], I`ve worked on integrating
the work done by Anca to merge Annotations with Comments.
I`ve fixed leftover integration problems and finished implementing the
migration script.
Please have a look at the pull request [2] and cast your vote whether we
can merge it into master for 4.0 or not.
Here's my +1.
[1] http://markmail.org/thread/gecez5hdh5eci2le
[2] https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/pull/34/files
My name is Craig Innes. I am a 3rd year computing science student at
Edinburgh University. I am interested in developing a nautillus-like UI for
XWiki as part of the Google Summer of Code. Are there any mentors out there
that can give me any more detail about what would be involved in this
project? I have a sound knowledge of Java, CSS and HTML (as well as Python
and a few other languages). Additionally, what are the things i should be
doing before the applications open to get a feel for what to do/the
subjects that i will need to learn?
Has any work been done regarding XWiki over an HDFS file system or database?
I saw a mention of Cassandra in an older post in this list, but I'm
unclear on if Cassandra really runs over HDFS.
Mark Wallace
Principal Engineer, Semantic Applications
Modus Operandi, Inc.
Hi everyone,
I'd like to propose to add an Image macro that would do the following:
* display a border
* display a caption (if it's defined by the user)
* display a link to see the image full screen
* define default sizes and scale it to the default one but allow specifying other sizes
Basically the idea is to be able to easily display images as on
See also http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-7602
The idea is that we would use it on xwiki.org but I also think it makes it nicer for people who wish to display images in their wikis.
Hi devs,
I`ve worked on allowing an admin to more easily customize the information
that is displayed on the user profile, once he has added some new fields to
the XWikiUsers class (like "interests", "hobbies", "favorite books", etc).
The first version is without javascript.
Please have a look at the pull request [1] (and the issue [2]) and cast
your vote whether we can merge it into master for 4.0M2 or not.
Here's my +1.
[1] https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/pull/38
[2] http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-7626
Hi everyone!
I have experimented with the Java security manager to see how it can be
used to divide the XWiki platform into domains with different sets of
My initial thought was that a customized security manager would be
necessary, but I now think that the standard security manager is
sufficient. But unless I have missed something, the policy file will
necessarily be complex, because it is not possible to place jar-files in
different subdirectories in a servlet and therefore wildcarding cannot
be used in the policy file. But to simplify the policy management, I
suggest using a tool at build-time to generate the policy file.
More details about my thoughts on this can be found here:
By enabling the security manager like this, we can allow unprivileged
users to write Groovy and Python scripts as well as reducing the risk
that references to exploitable objects leak to unprivileged velocity
I have already started working on a Maven mojo for generating the policy
file, and I will shortly add a feature branch for this.
Please, let me know what you think.
Best Regards,